Selected African Holdings

Selected African Holdings

Deutsche Welle

Items selected from the online resources at Deutsche Welle with African origination.

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DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Portuguese

The volcanic eruption on the island of Fire led the Government of Cape Verde to postpone the first summit on regionalization in the country, which was due to start on …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Amharic

ባለፈዉ የዓለም ዓቀፍ የሴቶች ቀን ዕለት በተደረገዉ ታላቅ ሩጫ ሁከትና ብጥብጥ ፈጥራችኋል በሚል የተከሰሱ ሰባት ሴቶች እና ሶስት ወንዶች ዛሬ ፍርድ ቤት ቀረቡ።

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Portuguese

Angola and Switzerland signed this Tuesday (05.02.2013) two agreements to delete diplomatic and service visas and on migration issues. Analyst considers that the measure will only affect\’ half a dozen …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Amharic

ስምምነቱ በዋነኛነት የጅቡቲ ወደብ አገልግሎት ተጠቃሚ ለሆነችው ለኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካዊ ጠቀሜታው የጎላ መሆኑን መንግሥት ይናገራል።በዚህ የሚስማሙ ወገኖች እንዳሉ ሁሉ የዜጎች የመጠጥ ውኃ አቅርቦት ችግር ሳይሟላ ለሌላ አገር ውኃ ለማቅረብ መስማማት ተገቢ …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Portuguese

The author of the new book\ ‘Golpe Nito Alves and Other Moments of Angola History Visas of the Kremlin\’ says he has new information on the intricacies of the alleged …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Portuguese

Angola is apprehensive about the conflicts that plague several countries and regions. Marcos Barrica, Angolan Ambassador to Portugal, therefore advocates the integration of Angola into the United Nations Security Council. …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Portuguese

SOS Habitat denies the accusation that it is giving protection to illegal land occupants in Angola. This week the jurist and also former head of the Civil House, Carlos Feijó, …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Portuguese

Repórteres Sem Fronteiras lança relatório anual sobre a liberdade de imprensa no mundo. Entre os PALOP, Angola subiu pontos. Já Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau e Moçambique têm desempenhos piores. Reporters Without …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Amharic

በዓለማችን ከአራት ሰዎች አንዱ በህይወት ዘመኑ አንዴ የአእምሮ ወይም የስርዓተ ነርቭ መዛባት ሊያጋጥመዉ እንደሚችል የዓለም የጤና ድርጅት ያመለክታል። ለችግሩ የሚሆነዉ ህክምና ቢኖርም ፍፁም ባለማወቅ ወይም በቸልተኝነት የሚጠቀምበት እንደሌለ ነዉ ድርጅቱ …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Portuguese

"Pior que a SIDA" é a corrupção em Angola, diz o presidente da organização não-governamental Associação Mãos Livres, Salvador Freire. O advogado apela à participação da sociedade civil na luta …