Selected African Holdings

Selected African Holdings

Deutsche Welle

Items selected from the online resources at Deutsche Welle with African origination.

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DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Portuguese

New clashes are recorded in Mozambique and Dhlakama says there will be no elections without RENAMO. CNE disseminates definitive results of the elections in Guinea-Bissau. Conflict in RCA creates tension …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 English

Boko Haram seizes Baga town along with a multinational military base+++Kenyan teachers strike over pay dispute+++Floods displace hundreds of Zimbabwean families

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 English

Rwanda doesn't have many natural resources so the government decided to make its own: IT experts. The East African country came up with the "Vision 2020" plan; an attempt to …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 French

Les 2 et 3 septembre 2014, des représentants d'Etats d'Afrique et d'Occident se sont retrouvés autour de l'ONU et d'autres organisations internationales pour parler de cette menace. Mais ces réunions …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Portuguese

Apesar dos parcos 19% na primeira volta, o ex-ministro das Finanças e da Economia, Soumaïla Cissé, vai disputar, no domingo (11/8), a segunda volta da eleição para o cargo mais …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Hausa

Kasashen Nijar da Mali sun bayyana daukar sababbin eyes shawo kan matsalar tsaron da kasashensu to fuskanta will iyakokinsu musamman a watannin baya-bayan nan. Kasashen Nijar da Mali sun bayyana …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 English

Many witnesses of poaching or other wildlife crimes remain silent, fearing retribution. An anonymous whistleblower platform aims to change that. The Wildleaks project is turning information into action the ground. …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Hausa

Majalisar na ganawa domin yin nazarin dokar ta-aci a daidai lokacin da wasu sojoji a Barno likes yi bore, kana kuma su iyayen 'yan Mata Chibok likes yi tsokaci a …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Portuguese

A nova missão das Nações Unidas no Mali, que está prestes a começar, reúne um consenso: não vai ser fácil assegurar a paz, tanto mais que ela ainda não reina …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Portuguese

In Mali, a victory by Keita was due to good relations with the country’s army. In Zimbabwe, Mugabe’s re-election would mean the continuity of\ ‘an incompetent economic policy,\’ highlights the …