Selected African Holdings

Selected African Holdings

Deutsche Welle

Items selected from the online resources at Deutsche Welle with African origination.

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DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 French

Cap on Goma in eastern DRC This country is home to much of the Congo forest basin and is a water reserve in Africa, yet populations in the eastern DRC …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Portuguese

Government of Mozambique and RENAMO reach agreement for the composition of the CNE. Succession of Guebuza in the Mozambican Presidency raises controversy within FRELIMO. A census in Guinea-Bissau shows 93% …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 English

Namibian musician Eric Sell, (also known as EES), is one of the rare white Africans producing a music genre called Kwaito, which originally emerged in the ghettos of Johannnesburg. In …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Portuguese

Chefe da diplomacia de Moçambique está na Alemanha para reforçar cooperação económica. Transportadoras moçambicanas admitem suspender serviços no centro do país. Novos parlamentares da Guiné-Bissau tomam posse. Head of Mozambique …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Portuguese

População da região do norte do Mali ainda vive em condições precárias, sem água, eletricidade e atendimento médico adequado. Todos depositam as esperanças no novo presidente maliano Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta. …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Portuguese

Peter Mutharika takes office, this Monday, as President of Malawi. Traditions in Ghana violate the dignity of widowed women. Stadium bomb explosion in Nigeria causes dozens of deaths. Sports Magazine. …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 English

Young designers from Bangladesh embrace sustainable fashion -- Women from Madagascar exploited abroad -- 3D printing takes off in Mexico -- Meet Serbia's king of complaints

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015

Angola pede apoio à candidatura a membro não permanente do Conselho de Segurança da ONU. Criada Rede Nacional dos Defensores dos Direitos Humanos na Guiné-Bissau. Sudão: 5 dias de protestos …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Portuguese

Angola: militantes do PRS queixam-se de perseguição das autoridades governamentais. Sudão do Sul: rebeldes matam 3 soldados da ONU e controlam Bor. Final do Mundial de Clubes: Bayern de Munique …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 French

The situation in the central African Republic remains worrying and not a single day passes without new massacres being reported by the press or human rights organizations. La situation en …