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University of the Witwatersrand English

conscience and dignity of mankind, among them the European Parliament and the Joint ACP-EEC Assembly. We recognize Johannesburg 2000 European Communities EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Communautes Europeennes PARLEMENT F.UROPEEN EYPfiflAlKO KOINOBOYAIO European Communities EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Comunita Europee PARLAMENTO EUROPEO PARLEMENT conscience and dignity of mankind, among them the European Parliament and the Joint ACP-EEC Assembly. We recognize lK O KOINOBOYAIO European Communities EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT PARLEMENT EUROPEEN L Comumtd Europee PARLAMENTO

University of the Witwatersrand English

Relations(CIIR), the War Resisters International, the European Parliament , the Quaker United Nations Office, and the

University of the Witwatersrand English

national assembly through to those in the European Parliament and to marginal groups of the extreme right secretary Imgard Adam-Schwaetzer told the European parliament early this month that Pretoria's hardening

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well as a number (more) of members of the European Parliament. The ECC extend s its support to Philip for

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1x1 ..n i Quakers, WRI, a member of the European Parliament Want’ ~ S “ - • s Nichard Steele was speaking throughout western Europe, at the European Parliament in Strasbourg and, of course, in the USA

University of the Witwatersrand English

Prize, jointly with the president of the European Parliament Lord Plum, it will be accepted by the son

University of the Witwatersrand English

September 1988 Alman Metten is Member of European Parliament for the Dutch Labour Party, dr. Paul Goodison these facts were revealed (e.g. in the European Parliament in February 19861) this did not prompt any itself. (1) Official Journal, Debates of the European Parliament, no. 2-335 February, 1986, p. 257. Gideon

University of the Witwatersrand English

Green Aliernative l-.unipeaii I. in Ihe European Parliament, involved people who have left lobs in military

University of the Witwatersrand English

Bantu was granted representation in the European Parliament; albeit on a limited scale. This constitutes

University of the Witwatersrand English

French in 1977. She won a scholarship to the European Parliament for research in Social Affairs from December Group of the European Parliament. In July 1984 she was elected Member of European Parliament (MEP) for for London East. In the European Parliament Ms Tongue is a member of the Committee on Environment, Public

University of the Witwatersrand English

Conscientious Objection was endorsed by the i European Parliament in February 1983. This recommends that military

University of the Witwatersrand English

of Human Rights, the United Nations, the European Parliament and a range of conscientious objectors from came in the form of a resolution in the European Parliament. In 1983, they adopted the so-called Dierick, Essenestraat 77, B-1740 Ternat (European Parliament) Jean-Fran$ois LECOCQ, Boulevard du Nord

University of the Witwatersrand English

Conscientious Objection was endorsed by the European Parliament in February 1983. this recommends that military permissable - bodies the European Council and the European Parliament. There we have institutions and established (I leave aside a resolution taken by the European Parliament 1983 - it is favourable, from our point Committee of Ministers. On 7 February 1983 the European Parliament adopted a resolution on conscientious objection Mrs. Macciocchi. In that resolution the European Parliament noted that protection of freedom of conscience

University of the Witwatersrand English

public opinion and the pro­ testations of the European Parliament. Write that the united people of Europe according to 'Macciocchi' Resolu­ tion in the European Parliament (07.02.'83). (Up to now there is not any country for an urgent resolution in the European Parliament asking the Commission to issue a Direc­

University of the Witwatersrand English

Conscientious Objection was endorsed by the European Parliament in February 1983. This recommends that military

University of the Witwatersrand English

to be anti-apardheid, particuarly in the European Parliament. I think it would have been good for us to three week cycle tour through Europe at the European parliament in Strasbourg with a public meeting. In

University of the Witwatersrand English

urge its EEC partners to do the same; * CO laws in all EEC countries should be in accordance with the principles of the European Parliament's Macciocchi Resol­ ution of 17 Feb. 1983.

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Studies and—we hope—the Green Group in the European Parliament. It will take place in Bradford in the

University of the Witwatersrand English

Approaches There has been news coverr«g^ ^ ^ European parliament. have been made to Ne received from Cardinal institutions like the UN, VCC, EEC and European Parliament - and are therefore clearer on the. different most productive of our meetings were with- European Parliament. mem-:‘ : hers, where we established links

University of the Witwatersrand English

g u e ,a Labour _Partv member of the European Parliament, who is involved in the tom orrow , and Conference; Miss Carol Tongue, a member of the European Parliament and of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament was brought by Miss Tongue who said a European Parliament resolution recently named the freedom of Miss Carol Tongue, a British member of the European Parliament and the Campaign for Nu­ clear Disarmament

University of the Witwatersrand English

from 3-7 April, 1990. The Greens in the European Parliament have still to decide whether to co-sponsor

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Relations(CIIR), the War Resisters International, the European Parliament , the Quaker United Nations Office, and the

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Brendan Halligan A" airs -Member of the European Parliament The International Association Democratic

University of the Witwatersrand English

receive any press coverage. The day at the European Parliament was VERY successful and interesting, although solidarity campaign with SA COs. 11,Italy the European parliament and wanted a 'whitey' war resister to educate organised public meeting * Strasbourg: Visit to European parliament organised by Deputy General Secretary of Socialist Group (biggest political cacus in the European Parliament) * addressed Peace Group (8MEPs) * met Charge

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Carthell (Member of European Parliament) Carol Tongue (Member of European Parliament) IFOR (International

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' ' Legislation introduced by successive European Parliaments governs entry into a wide range of occupations in South

University of the Witwatersrand English

Bantu was granted representa­ tion in the European Parliament; albeit on a limited scale. This constitutes

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Cleary influenced centre right member of the European parliament to form the International Association for

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legitimacy of conscientious objectors. The European Parliament and the Council of Europe has also adopted resolutions on related issues. In addition the European Parliament in 1983 adopted a specific resolution calling regarded as a punishment. The UN and European Parliament have adopted specific resolution opposing

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Switzerland, and in 1984 elected to the European Parliament for London East, is a well-known member

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remember that you are also represented in the European Parliament.) Conscientious objectors need whatever

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University of the Witwatersrand English

91 pages

press conference sponsored by members of the European parliament, the moderate black politician held out

University of the Witwatersrand English

Approaches have been made to Neil Kimock and the European parliament. In addition, a message of support has been

University of the Witwatersrand English

Conscientious Objection in the European Community ; European Parliament Document 1-546/82, obtainable in all EC Military Service. 10)NGO Report to the European Parliament on con­ scientious objection as a human right conscien­ tious objection organisations in the European Parliament aims to de­ nouncing discrimination and perse­ Procedure : Letter to the fractions in the European Parliament, with the request that they would be (for instance to move the members of the European Parliament to act in that way). — The SCI envisages

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Mr Pieter Dankert, the President of the European Parliament. We too must intensify the struggle to

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met With the liberation move­ ments in the European Parliament at the International Conference on Women

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and COSAWR. - The United Nations and the European parliament should be contacted for some statement of

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(old inventory).

in South Africa, Jan 1986 Resolution of European Parliament on Conscientious Objection Feb 1983 Resolution

University of the Witwatersrand English

as a number (more) 2/ of members of the European Parliament. The ECC extend s its support to Philip for person's right to freedom of conscience. The European Parliament in 1983 passed a resolution calling for

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Spanish e m b a ssy , M em bers of the European Parliament, etc; and send support to: MOC, calle San

University of the Witwatersrand English

release was even passed by60 per ent In the European parliament! The Israeli authorities have fclt the meaninO'

University of the Witwatersrand English

e EEC and so c ia lis t M em bers of European Parliament have widely protest­ ed against Greece's calling for solidarity: questions in the European Parliament; protest letters against the imprisonment

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members of national parliaments and the European parliament. Amongst those who signed the "Call to Restrain

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Rights and the Council of Europe, and the European Parliament has been lobbied, and there are numerous

University of the Witwatersrand English

e EEC and s o c ia lis t M em bers of European Parliament have widely protest­ ed against Greece's

University of the Witwatersrand English

legitimacy of conscientious objectors. The European Parliament and the Council of Europe have also adopted resolutions on related issues. In addition, the European Parliament in 1983, adopted a specific resolution calling be regarded as a punishment. The UN and European Parliament have adopted specific resolutions opposing

University of the Witwatersrand English

resolution on the arms trade issued by the European Parliament-an advisory body-on 3 September 1991 indicates tension which exists on this issue. The European Parliament called on member states to "reach a rapid

University of the Witwatersrand English

This information has been stated in the European Parliament, Brussels. Same facts have been reported