Images of Commemorative Fabrics from Africa

Images of Commemorative Fabrics from Africa

University of Wisconsin–Madison

Commemorative Fabrics from Africa is a collection of machine-made commemorative textiles from various African countries. This collection provides researchers access to digitized fabrics that are printed with images and text documenting events and individuals of historical, political, religious, economic, educational, and sociological significance to African societies. Throughout the continent, fabric serves multiple functions in people's daily lives. It is used for clothing, shelter, storage, and packing material. The type of African fabric found in this collection also serves as a communication device. When used as a textual and visual document, the fabric becomes a vehicle to commemorate an event or to celebrate a person's life or achievement. One does not need to know how to read in order to understand the messages found in these textiles. In societies where a large portion of the population cannot read, the visual elements enable everyone to share in the reception and transmission of the message that is being conveyed. In this way, the fabric also serves to preserve historical narratives that are important to the community. The pieces in this collection were graciously donated by UW faculty, staff, students, alumni, and other individuals outside the UW.

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Knowledge with wisdom
Bonne Fête des Mères
Synodical Bassa Cameroun
Ordination des pasteurs (Tunic)
Synergies africaines (Bag)
Elog-mpoo mingenda milibet
MINEFOP - Ministère de l'emploi et de la formation professionnelle
Crédit Foncier du Cameroon (Bag)
Comice agro-pastoral 2012
Journée Internationale de la Femme 2013
Journée Internationale de la Femme - Cameroun 2014
Sixième congrès des femmes - Église presbytérienne camerounaise
Vive l'amitié franco-africaine (Shirt)
Celebrating education and literacy (Red)
Femmes rurales du Cameroun
Journée Internationale de la Femme 2006 (Dress)
Paul Biya et le rassemblement démocratique du peuple camerounais
Les villes du Synod Bassa (Dress)
Journée Internationale de la Femme 2012
CICAM calendar - 2009