Digital Library - Selected African Holdings

Digital Library - Selected African Holdings

University of Southern California

Selected items with African Origination

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USC: University of Southern California · 1945 Dutch

Spirituality, in articles, meditations, etc. [Description English/roman)] Stichtelijke artikelen, meditaties, etc. [Description (original non-English/roman language/script)]

USC: University of Southern California English

Contents: Angola (p. 1) Guiné: Salazar mata Protugueses (p. 1) Militares mortos na Guiné e Angola (p. 1) Only arms can free our people says FRELIMO (p. 2) Encontra - …

USC: University of Southern California English

Contents: FRELIMO and its goal (p. 1) Visit of American journalist to Mozambique (p. 2) Five more military companies in Mueda (p. 2) Tax on dancing (p. 3) Our difficulties …

USC: University of Southern California English

Contents: Dr. Eduardo Mondlane attacks United States' coooperation with Portugal (p. 1) Portuguese tell lies (p. 3) Progress (p. 5) Harmony (p. 5) American lovers of deomcracy and Mozambicans' suffering …

USC: University of Southern California English

New York edition of Mozambican revolution with several excerpts from different publications and authors: Muckraking Truth in Mozambique (by Joseph Massinga) FRELIMO in Lusaka - March I964 When Mozambique rains …

USC: University of Southern California English

Official organ of UDENAMO - Contents: Editorial - The struggle (p. 1) The truth about the struggle in Mozambique - We look ahead (p. 2) Salazar's misconception (p. 9) Whom …

USC: University of Southern California English

Official organ of UDENAMO - Contents: Press release - UDENAMO (p. 1) Salazar Smith's suicide alliance (p. 4) Vacation holiday by Bottomely (p. 8) Editorial on Sharpeville massacre (p. 9).

USC: University of Southern California English

Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO). Communique (not dated and not numbered) reports: FRELIMO forces have launched a general offensive aimed at eliminating the remaining vestiges of the Portuguese presence in Cabo …