Selected African Holdings

Selected African Holdings

National Museum of African American History and Culture

Selected items with African Origination

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NMAAHC: National Museum of African American History and Culture · 1976

This letter from the Episcopal Churchmen for South Africa asks readers to call their state representatives, senators and President Gerald Ford to demand the United States not to relax restrictions …

NMAAHC: National Museum of African American History and Culture · 1976

This flyer advertises a program discussing the liberation of Zimbabwe featuring a lecture by Tapson Mawere. The flyer is gold with black text and features an illustration of two fighters …

NMAAHC: National Museum of African American History and Culture · 1976

This letter from the African National Council-Zimbabwe states its support for making May 1st Anti-Apartheid Day in New York City. The header and title read: [African National Council-Zimbabwe / NORTH …

NMAAHC: National Museum of African American History and Culture · 1976

This press release calls upon the United Nations to boycott South Africa. The title reads: [PAN-AFRICANIST CONGRESS OF AZANIA - MISSION TO THE UNITED NATIONS]. The press release is several …

NMAAHC: National Museum of African American History and Culture · 1976

These six-page notes from the 365th Session of the Organization of African Unity to the United Nations discusess candiates for the representative of several African countries. The notes are three …

NMAAHC: National Museum of African American History and Culture · 1976

This letter from the National Committee to Free the SASO 9 appeals to Christians to help free apartheid prisoners. The letter is white paper with black text. The title reads: …

NMAAHC: National Museum of African American History and Culture · 1976

This pamphlet discusses the Patrice Lumumba Coalition and the Henry Kissinger- Johannes Vorster meeting. The title of the pamphlet reads: [POWER TO SOWETO! / Defy The Kissinger- Vorster Conspiracy!]. The …

NMAAHC: National Museum of African American History and Culture · 1976

This letter from the Episcopal Churchmen for South Africa asks readers to call their state representatives, senators and President Gerald Ford to demand the United States not to relax restrictions …

NMAAHC: National Museum of African American History and Culture · 1976

This report discusses US intevention in Angola. The essay is typed on white paper in black ink. The letterhead reads [Interpretive / Services / director / GEORGE M. DANIELS / …

NMAAHC: National Museum of African American History and Culture · 1976

This letter from the Committee to Free the SASO 9 invites people to an emergency meeting about the SASO 9. The letter is white with black text that reads: [June …