Selected African Holdings

Selected African Holdings

National Museum of African American History and Culture

Selected items with African Origination

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NMAAHC: National Museum of African American History and Culture

This flyer advertises a forum and film to show solidarity with the Namibia 2 and the struggle for liberation in Namibia. The flyer is white with black text and features …

NMAAHC: National Museum of African American History and Culture

Packaging for sardines imported and distributed by Salaam International, a division of the Nation of Islam. The packaging consists of a single piece of cardboard in a turqoise blue color …

NMAAHC: National Museum of African American History and Culture

The placard is somewhat larger than an average human torso, white, and rectangular. It is relatively sturdy paper, similar to thick cardstock, with two punched holes, roughly seven inches apart, …

NMAAHC: National Museum of African American History and Culture

This newsletter from the African National Counceil of Zimbabwe discusses the liberation of Zimbabwe through armed struggle. The front cover of the newsletter is tan with black text and features …

NMAAHC: National Museum of African American History and Culture

This flyer urges people to tell Congress to end trade with South Africa. The flyer is pink paper with black text. The block letters at the top and bottom of …