Selected African Holdings

Selected African Holdings

Denver Museum of Nature and Science

Selected items with African Origination

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Filters: Year: 1983

Denver Museum of Nature and Science · 1983

Temple of Khnum on the island of Elephantine in Aswan, Egypt. Taken during a museum sponsored trip to Egypt.

1983 English

Bazaar in Aswan, Egypt. Taken during a museum sponsored trip to Egypt.

Denver Museum of Nature and Science · 1983

Ruins of a nilometer, a structure used to gauge water levels on the Nile, on the island of Elephantine in Aswan, Egypt. Taken during a museum sponsored trip to Egypt.

1983 English

Scenery along the Nile River on the island of Elephantine in Aswan, Egypt. Taken during a museum sponsored trip to Egypt.

1983 English

Temple of Khnum on the island of Elephantine in Aswan, Egypt. Taken during a museum sponsored trip to Egypt.

1983 English

Temple of Khnum on the island of Elephantine in Aswan, Egypt. Taken during a museum sponsored trip to Egypt.

1983 English

Ruins of a nilometer, a structure used to gauge water levels on the Nile, on the island of Elephantine in Aswan, Egypt. Taken during a museum sponsored trip to Egypt.

Denver Museum of Nature and Science · 1983

Temple of Khnum on the island of Elephantine in Aswan, Egypt. Taken during a museum sponsored trip to Egypt.

1983 English

Temple of Khnum on the island of Elephantine in Aswan, Egypt. Taken during a museum sponsored trip to Egypt.

1983 English

Scenery along the Nile River near Aswan, Egypt. Taken during a museum sponsored trip to Egypt.