African Communist, 1959 - 1994

African Communist, 1959 - 1994

Digital Innovation South Africa

The SACP did not publicly announce its existence until the state of emergency was declared by the government after the police massacres of Sharpeville and Langa in 1960. The delay had been due to fears amongst some in the SACP leadership that a premature announcement might prejudice work in the liberation movement as a whole. But growing pressure from the rank and file of the SACP for a more structured system of propagating communist policies led to the publication in October 1959 of The African Communist in cyclostyled quarto form. Under the heading "This Magazine" the journal stated: "This magazine, 'The African Communist', has been started by a group of Marxist-Leninists in Africa, to defend and spread the inspiring and liberating ideas of Communism in our great Continent, and to apply the brilliant scientific method of Marxism to the solution of its problems. It is being produced in conditions of great difficulty and danger. Nevertheless we mean to go on publishing it, because we know that Africa needs Communist thought, as dry and thirsty soil needs rain."

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DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 October 1963 English

Editorial notes. The birth of African unity. Basutoland, Bechuanaland, Swaziland. Land relations in African countries. Fascist South Africa. Marxist-Leninist study: How social change comes about. Book reviews. For the future …

DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 October 1963 English

Editorial notes: Turbulent Africa. Editorial notes: Apartheid - the end approaches. Editorial notes: Brief comments. Strive for world communist unity: A state by the Central Committee of the South African …

DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 July 1963 English

Editorial notes. South Africa is at war. Africa and industrialisation. Britain and South Africa. Some secrets of the Congo. Where our riches go. Marxist-Leninist study: a note on Mr Mboya's …

DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 July 1963 English

Editorial notes: African unity moves closer: The summit. South Africa is at war. Africa and industrialisation. Britain and South Africa. Some secrets of the Congo. Where our riches go. Marxist-Leninist …

DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 April 1963 English

The revolutionary way out: a statement by the Central Committee of the South The African Communist Party. Editorial notes: The things that bind us. Against the ban on the Algerian …

DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 January 1963 English

Editorial notes: Hands off Cuba!. Editorial notes: China and India!. Editorial notes: Dictatorship run mad. Editorial notes: Anti-communist hysteria. Editorial notes: Hitting back. Editorial notes: A great victory. Editorial notes: …

DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 October 1962 English

Editorial notes: How strong is Verwoerd?. Editorial notes: Release Nelson Mandela!. Editorial notes: Algeria - victory and unity. Editorial notes: Splits in the Protectorates. Editorial notes: No collaboration with apartheid. …

DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 July 1962 English

Editorial notes: Facist South Africa. National liberation wars in the present epoch: a Soviet view. Lesotho's road to independence: the founding of the Communist Party of Lesotho (Basutoland). The colonialism …

DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 April 1962 English

Editorial notes: Verwoerds Threat to Africa. Comrade Ajoy Ghosh. Towards a united Africa. For a free Algerian Republic: the 25th anniversary of the Algerian Communist Party. Message from the Algerian …