African Communist, 1959 - 1994

African Communist, 1959 - 1994

Digital Innovation South Africa

The SACP did not publicly announce its existence until the state of emergency was declared by the government after the police massacres of Sharpeville and Langa in 1960. The delay had been due to fears amongst some in the SACP leadership that a premature announcement might prejudice work in the liberation movement as a whole. But growing pressure from the rank and file of the SACP for a more structured system of propagating communist policies led to the publication in October 1959 of The African Communist in cyclostyled quarto form. Under the heading "This Magazine" the journal stated: "This magazine, 'The African Communist', has been started by a group of Marxist-Leninists in Africa, to defend and spread the inspiring and liberating ideas of Communism in our great Continent, and to apply the brilliant scientific method of Marxism to the solution of its problems. It is being produced in conditions of great difficulty and danger. Nevertheless we mean to go on publishing it, because we know that Africa needs Communist thought, as dry and thirsty soil needs rain."

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DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 January 1966 English

Editorial notes: Reflections on Nigeria. Editorial notes: Johannesburg celebrates the New Year. Editorial notes: Starvation amidst plenty. Editorial notes: Bram Fischer. Editorial notes: The Sudanese Communists. Editorial notes: Unity for …

DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 January 1966 English

Editorial notes. Ghana socialists fight back. Free Ghana, free Africa. Negro oppression and US foreign policy. Apartheid colonialism in America. Mozambique, my country. Algeria: behind the silence. Nigeria: behind the …

DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 January 1966 English

Editorial notes: After Verwoerd Fuhrer Vorster. Testing time for Ghana. Testing time for Ghana. Bram Fischer's great speech. Phases of the Egyptian revolution. Portuguese soldier return to your country. South …

DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 April 1965 English

Editorial notes:the US war on Vietnam. Message from the Central Committee of the South African Communist Party to the Government and People of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. South African …

DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 January 1965 English

The South African people will win their freedom: a statement by the central committee of the South African Communist Party. Editorial notes. East African trends - Kenya: A socialist label …

DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 January 1965 English

Editorial notes. A poem of vengeance. South African freedom songs: a tribute to the patriot Vuyisile Mini. The battle for the Congo and the November aggression. No mercy from Vorster. …

DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 January 1965 English

Zimbabwe: a statement by the Central Committee of the South African Communist Party. Editorial notes: Kick the Smith Gang Out!. A note from Jack Woddis. The imperialist stake in apartheid. …

DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 October 1964 English

The Republic of Zambia. Mini, Khayinga, Mkaba. Editorial notes. Danger to Africa. Pan-Africanism and the struggle of two ideologies. Nigeria and Marxism. Africa and Parliamentary democracy. Marxism and the one-party …

DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 July 1964 English

Editorial notes. Blueprint for slavery: Bantu Laws Amendment Act 1964. The united Arab Republic: a bastion of anti-colonialism. The apartheid economy today. Congo: the legal aspect. Marxist-Leninist study: The first …

DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 April 1964 English

Editorial notes. Ghana's changing economy. Central Africa after federation. Book reviews. What our readers write. Fascist terror in South Africa: United Nations document