cover image: Street Life in Khayelitsha

Street Life in Khayelitsha

Election posters in Khayelitsha for the Official Opposition, the Democratic Alliance, before National Elections April 2009. Established in 1985 by the apartheid regime to settle the influx of Black Africans, mainly from the Xhosa communities of the Eastern Cape who had come to Cape Town in search of work, the township has grown immensely. With a population of between 1.5 to 2 million, it is arguably the largest township in Africa. It has though been largely upstaged by Soweto in Guateng Province. Khayelitsha is very young demographically with 40% of its population under the age of 19. Since the ANC came to power in 1994 a lot of improvements have been attempted in the township. New brick housing and schools are evident and the crime rate has fallen drastically in the past 3 years. Serious problems though persist. It is estimated that one third of its population is HIV positive and figures from local NGO's show that nearly 1 in 3 children suffer some form of sexual abuse by the time they are 18.
africa trade aid south africa government education development elections democracy economy president ngo poverty crime results empowerment economic administration advertising sub-saharan africa barter business third world dwellings ldc minimum wage politicians sanitation slums squatters tin transport vendors vote voting african national congress market executive election constitution fair trade image parliament minister merchant republic shortage national artisan funding poor social community vulnerability polling vertical shared provincial benefit public tradition african ssa prime minister ballot selling dwelling charitable train rainbow charity ghetto seller sanitary chronic sellers cape town companionship polls sharing people slum billboard stall portrait authorities scarcity donations anc billboards free low wage shanty town developing relief photo fair ministers trader traders collective da south democratic alliance western cape hardship community based soweto bazaar picture corrugated iron cape regime xhosa politician community-based statesman stalls shanty vendor friendly vibrant helen zille earthy bargain continent - africa|vibrant continent - africa|african continent - africa|ssa continent - africa|sub-saharan africa developing|development continent - africa|ldc continent - africa|earthy developing|economic general - image|picture continent - africa|africa developing|community based continent - africa|south developing|developing general - image|image developing|economy general - image|photo developing|community-based continent - africa|third world continent - africa|developing political - elections|election political - elections|democracy political - elections|fair political - elections|vote political - elections|free political - elections|polling political - elections|polls political - elections|republic political - elections|ballot political - elections|elections political - elections|results political - elections|voting political - government|president country - city - south africa - cape town|cape country - south africa political - politicians country - south africa|south africa political - politicians|statesman country - south africa|proteas country - city - south africa - cape town|cape town country - city - south africa - cape town political - politicians|politician proteas country - city - south africa - cape town|captonian country - south africa|rainbow political - politicians|politicians country - south africa|western cape general - image continent - africa captonian country - city - south africa - cape town|xhosa country - city - south africa - cape town|western cape general - format: portrait general - format: portrait|portrait general - format: portrait|vertical political - government country - south africa|south country - politics - south africa|anc developing|empowerment country - politics - south africa|african national congress country - politics - south africa political - government|ministers social - community|community social - charity|ngo social - community|co-operating social - community|collective co-operating social - charity|donations social - charity|charity social - charity|relief social - charity|charitable social - charity|funding social - charity social - charity|benefit social - community social - charity|aid western cape provincial parliament developing|fair trade market - street|trader market - street|vendors market - street|vendor market - street|stalls market - street|artisan market - street|traders developing|education political - government|administration political - government|authorities political - government|democracy political - government|government political - government|constitution political - politicians|ministers political - government|executive political - government|parliament political - government|regime political - politicians|minister political - government|republic political - government|prime minister poverty - shanty town|shanty town social - community|companionship poverty - shanty town|tin poverty - shanty town|sanitary poverty - shanty town|crime social - community|people poverty - shanty town|shanty social - community|social social - community|shared poverty - gen|poverty poverty - gen|shortage poverty - shanty town|squatters poverty - gen|vulnerability poverty - shanty town|slums poverty - gen|scarcity poverty - shanty town|ghetto social - community|sharing poverty - shanty town|sanitation poverty - gen|minimum wage poverty - gen|low wage country - south africa|soweto social - community|tradition poverty - shanty town|dwellings social - community|friendly poverty - gen poverty - shanty town|corrugated iron poverty - shanty town poverty - shanty town|slum poverty - gen|poor poverty - shanty town|dwelling poverty - gen|hardship social - community|public poverty - gen|chronic haggling market - street market - street|seller bartering market - street|haggle market - street|bartering market - street|bargain transport - train|transport market - street|market haggle market - street|bazaar bustle market - street|bustle market - street|business market - street|barter market - street|stall transport - train|train market - street|haggling market - street|merchant transport - train market - street|selling market - street|sellers market - street|trade advertising|billboard political - elections|national advertising|billboards political - elections political - elections|provincial country - politics - south africa|helen zille country - politics - south africa|democratic alliance country - politics - south africa|da country - politics - south africa|western cape provincial parliament


George Philipas

South Africa
Credit Notice
George Philipas / Independent Photographers /
Date published
External ID 1
Image Number
Published in
Cape Town

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