Dansir Nyirabasungu, a genocide survivor, pose for a photo in front of human sculls preserved inside Ntarama church. During the 1994 genocide, she lost her husband together with two of her children after they sought refuge in the church compound. About 5,000 people were killed in the morning of April 15, 1994. *** Local Caption *** Dansir Nyirabasungu, une rescapee, pose devant des cranes humains conserves dans l'eglise de Ntarama. Pendant le genocide de 1994, elle a perdu son mari en meme temps que ses deux enfants, alors qu'ils s'etaient refugies dans l'enceinte d'une eglise. Environ 5000 personnes furent executes le matin du 15 avril 1994 a Ntarama.
- Country
- Rwanda
- Credit Notice
- Ramadhan Khamis / Panapress / african.pictures
- Date published
- 04-04-2004
- External ID 1
- APN109177
- Image Number
- APN109177
- Published in
- Ntarama