Explanation of the Commentary of Ibn Zakur.


Explanation of the Commentary of Ibn Zakur.

Timbuktu (present-day Tombouctou in Mali), founded around 1100 as a commercial center for trade across the Sahara Desert, was also an important seat of Islamic learning from the 14th century onward. The libraries there contain many important manuscripts, in different styles of Arabic scripts, which were written and copied by Timbuktu's scribes and scholars. These works constitute the city's most famous and long-lasting contribution to Islamic and world civilization. Sharḥ 'ala Ḥāshiyat Ibn Zakūr (Explanation of the commentary of Ibn Zakur) is by Ibrahim al-Fulani and was written in 1806. It is a commentary on the treatise on Arabic grammar and rhetoric by the Moroccan poet, travel writer, and expert on Arabic language and Islamic law, Abu Abdallah Muhammad ibn Qasim Ibn Zakur (died 1708).
mali arabic language grammar rhetoric tombouctou arabic manuscripts arabic calligraphy islamic manuscripts timbuktu manuscripts ibn zākūr, muḥammad ibn qāsim
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