cover image: Mandela: he who reduced the complexity of transition and made its rewards accessible to South Africans

Mandela: he who reduced the complexity of transition and made its rewards accessible to South Africans

2007-09-11 to 2007-09-25

Article about Mandela for a book accompanied by a letter requesting a contribution for a book of special tributes to be presented to Nelson Mandela at their Business Times Top 100 function, where he will receive a Lifetime Achiever Award and covering letter in email form.
slabbert, f. van zyl (frederik van zyl), 1940-2010 south africa -- politics and government -- 20th century


Slabbert, F. van Zyl (Frederik van Zyl), 1940-2010, Dreyer, Nadinne, Roberts, Bea

3 1 1
Published in
South Africa
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Frederik van Zyl Slabbert Collection
