cover image: Kenya Colony


Kenya Colony

1 Oct 1943

Map showing Kenya, Uganda and part of Tanzania, with their boundaries in Lake Victoria. The map shows international, intercolonial, provincial, and district boundaries, with railways with gauge measurements, under construction and projected, principal roads and other roads, tracks, motorable in some cases, telephone or telegraph lines along roads or tracks , lakes, mountain ranges, peaks, valleys, capes and islands, tribes, bridges, towns of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th class importance, rivers, unsurveyed water courses, canals, marshes and swamps, ground liable to inundation, geodetic trigonometric stations, altitude and depth in metres, water points, historical ruins, mission stations. Hypsometric tints shown. Colour. Relief shown in contours and form lines. 5th edition. Scale 1 : 2,000,000.
kenya--maps uganda--maps victoria, lake--maps


Great Britain. War Office. General Staff. Geographical Section.

Victoria, Lake
Published in
South Africa
Special Collections Maps