cover image: Interview with Joseph Nye, 1987


Interview with Joseph Nye, 1987


Joseph Nye was Deputy to the Undersecretary of State for Security Assistant, Science and Technology, and chaired the National Security Council Group on Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (1977 to 1979). (In the 1990s, he served as chair of the National Intelligence Council, and as Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs.) The interview begins with his views on the Atoms for Peace program and the Partial Test Ban Treaty of 1963. Much of the interview deals with his work on the nonproliferation issue under President Carter. He is asked about the Indian test, the oil embargo and its effects on proliferation, including administration worries about international pressures to reprocess plutonium. As a result, the U.S. decided to pressure other countries against reprocessing, and to forego it as well as an example. Dr. Nye then discusses the mostly negative impact this had on allies such as the French and Germans who had arranged supply deals with the likes of South Korea and Pakistan. The Japanese, he recalls, were also unhappy. He describes the purposes and impact of the International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation, and the Carter administration’s unilateral Nuclear Nonproliferation Act of 1978, which also met with negative international reactions. Most of the rest of the interview deals with specific countries – Pakistan, Libya, India, Israel and South Africa. He asserts that the U.S. had less information available about Israel’s program than was desired, including whether it was assisting Pretoria’s program. He also reacts to the Israeli attack on Osirak, and discusses various current problem areas for nonproliferation. He closes with a comment on the London Suppliers Group.
elections nuclear energy nuclear weapons great britain soviet union treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons (1968) nuclear nonproliferation nuclear suppliers group nuclear arms control deterrence (strategy) kennedy, john f. (john fitzgerald) 1917-1963 carter, jimmy 1924 vance, cyrus r. (cyrus roberts) 1917-2002 ford, gerald r. 1913-2006 nixon, richard m. (richard milhous) 1913-1994 nuclear test ban treaty (1963) united states. congress khrushchev, nikita sergeevich 1894-1971 united states. nuclear nonproliferation act of 1978 nuclear power plants--accidents--pennsylvania--three mile island international nuclear fuel cycle evaluation pickering, thomas reeve 1931


Nye, Joseph S

WGBH Open Vault
Motion pictures
Place Discussed
Argentina Israel France Japan Pakistan United States Iran Germany South Africa Libya Lebanon Brazil Saudi Arabia India Taiwan Iraq
Digital Commonwealth
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South Africa
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