cover image: 1. Plan of the Excavated church of Abha Os Gaba, or Abhahasuba. 2. Plan of the Church of Jummada Mariam, from Alvariz. 3. Front elevation of the Church of Emanuel in Lasta, by Alvariz. 4. An Abyssinian M.S.S. book, containing the hymns of Yereed, now in..


1. Plan of the Excavated church of Abha Os Gaba, or Abhahasuba. 2. Plan of the Church of Jummada Mariam, from Alvariz. 3. Front elevation of the Church of Emanuel in Lasta, by Alvariz. 4. An Abyssinian M.S.S. book, containing the hymns of Yereed, now in..


..possession of the Author. 5. The cross generally prefixed to letters written in the Ethiopic language. 6. A medallion Cast in gold and suspended to a double chain, which was presented to the author by Ras Willed Lelapi.
ethiopia africa, east


Salt, Henry, 1780-1827

A voyage to Abyssinia, and travels into the interior of that country, executed under the orders of the British government, in the years 1809 and 1810
Place Discussed
Ethiopia Africa, East
The New York Public Library
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