cover image: Bonne Fête d’Indépendance - RDC


Bonne Fête d’Indépendance - RDC


This vibrant fabric celebrates the Independence Day of the DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo). The central emblem is a yellow circle displaying the outline of the DRC filled in with its flag and the head of a leopard. The red, blue, yellow, and orange background displays chains in which some of the links have been broken. Also repeated throughout the pattern is the map of the DRC in blue that displays the date of independence as well as white banners with the fabric’s text. A central theme of the fabric denounces the geopolitical division of the DRC. Throughout the country there are strong impressions that neighboring countries want to annex some of the DRC's land to their own countries. It’s a real fear especially prevalent in Eastern Congo. Text: Bonne Fête de l’Indépendance, 30 juin, Vive la République Démocratique du Congo; 30 Juin 1960; Nous disons NON à la déstabilisation ou la balcanisation de notre cher et beau pays, uni, fort et prospère; Si kwa balcanisation DRC; Non à la Balcanisation de la R. D. Congo. Translation: Happy Independence Day, 30 June, Long live the Democratic Republic of the Congo; 30 June 1960; We say NO to the destabilization or the balkanization of our beautiful, dear country that is united, strong, and prosperous; It is not through the balkanization of the DRC.
commemorative textile fabrics — congo (democratic republic) cotton textiles — congo (democratic republic) independence day — congo (democratic republic)
Description of object
Cotton ; 3.75 feet by 2.5 feet
Format of Original
Three dimensional object
Published in
Congo (the Democratic Republic of the)
Images of Commemorative Fabrics from Africa