cover image: Fete de la jeunesse – Cameroun


Fete de la jeunesse – Cameroun

This green and white fabric commemorates the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Civic Education of Cameroon (MINJEC) and its programs and organizations. The main emblem features a group of diverse children holding hands in a circle surrounding the outline of Cameroon in which you can see the Cameroonian flag. The pattern also displays the monument of a lit torch. Terms pertinent to the goals of MINJEC are scattered throughout the pattern along with the names of other MINJEC projects and organizations. Text (central emblem): Ministère de la jeunesse et de l’éducation civique; Ministry of Youth Affairs and Civic Education; Jeunesse, fer de lance de la nation; Youth, the spearhead of the nation. Text (projects and organizations): CENAJES, Centre national de la jeunesse et des sports; CNPDDJ, Centre national de la production et de la diffusion de la documentation pour la jeunesse; CMPJ, Centre multifonctionnel de promotion des jeunes; PAJER-U, Programme d’appui à la jeunesse rurale et urbaine; CNEPCI, Centre national d’éducation populaire et civique; PIFMAS, Programme d’insertion socio-économique des jeunes par la création de micro-entreprises de fabrication du matériel sportif; ASCNPD, Agence du service civique national de participation au développement; CNJC, Conseil national de la jeunesse du Cameroun. Text (background): Paix, Peace; Citoyenneté, Citizenship; Civisme, Public spiritedness; Patriotisme, Patriotism; Dignité, Dignity; Dynamisme, Dynamism; Travail, Work; Honneur, Honor; Courage, Courage; Intégration, Integration; Loyauté, Loyalty; Honnêteté, Honesty; Patrie, Fatherland; Republique, Republic; Devoir, Duty; Engagement, Commitment; Unité, Unity.
cotton textiles — cameroon commemorative textile fabrics — cameroon education — cameroon cameroon. ministry of youth affairs and civic education
Description of object
Cotton ; 3.6 feet by 2.4 feet
Format of Original
Three dimensional object
Published in
Images of Commemorative Fabrics from Africa