cover image: 10eme anniversaire de l’UDPM


10eme anniversaire de l’UDPM


This fabric commemorates the 10th anniversary of the political party Union Démocratique du Peuple Malien (Democratic Union of the Malian People), the sole legal party from its creation in 1979 until 1991. On a blue background, the fabric features two emblems. The first displays a lion in the center with the dates of the creation and anniversary. A banner above the lion displays the Malian motto. The banner below signifies the 10th anniversary. The second emblem displays a blue shield containing an image of men building a house, the outline of Mali, and a sunrise or sunset. A banner displays the national colors on top and green leaves similar to that of an olive branch line the bottom of the shield. The emblem is surrounded by the UDPM motto. Text (French): Un peuple, un but, une foi; 1979; 1989; 10e anniversaire de l’UDPM; Tous ensemble; Unite d’action des forces vives de la nation; Pour la moralisation de la vie publique et le sursaut national. English translation: One people, one goal, one faith; 1979; 1989; 10th anniversary of the UDPM; All together; United action of the driving forces of the nation; For the moralization of public life and national awakening. Produced by Industrie Textile du Mali (ITEMA) in Bamako. Donated by John Hutchison The selvage reads "No 3843 Industrie Textile du Mali"
mali twentieth century cotton textiles — mali commemorative textile fabrics — mali anniversaries — mali poltical parties — mali
Description of object
Cotton ; 3.75 feet by 5.3 feet
Format of Original
Three dimensional object
Published in
Images of Commemorative Fabrics from Africa

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