cover image: Akoy (Tiemraan) Mayom Deng Chol Part 2.2


Akoy (Tiemraan) Mayom Deng Chol Part 2.2

18 Jun 2019

The first song is an ox song and concerns the bull, Makuei, that drinks from the Mamee River and belongs to the Abek Community led by Ayiik-Maluk. Makuei is the most 'colourful' bull in the cattle camp. The second song focuses on the clan of a singer, called Ayual. Because he loves his community (people), he kills a black cow for them. He kills it easily, as if by witchcraft. He says that Ayual is important like a "ribbon" (river?) called Boor. The third song praises the age-grade,Mading, which is reputed to be courageous. No other age-grade is able to defeat it. [Accompaniment: drumming with metal stick.] Information about performer: age 48, both parents from Twic East; grew up in Pathian (Upper Nile State).
traditional and folk music clan songs; ox songs


Akoy, Mayom Deng Chol, Simon Yak Deng

Published in
United Kingdom
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