cover image: PATIENT / D0CT0R / HOSPITAL




Extended description: Information: What is happiness? What is night? What are cars for? Where do people go after death?  50 European, African, Asian, South American and Arab children between 5 and 12 years old answer the same questions and illustrate their responses with images, drawings and photography. Each program is devoted to a word. The children are from Catalonia, Morocco, India, Chile and Uganda. The aim is to show how childrens’ view of the world and their surroundings is conditioned by where they were born and their education, not by their capacity to express their thoughts. Both the common and different elements of children’s interpretations reveal the cultural richness of the world we live in. The title of the series, “The Night’s Sun” was how one of the children answered the question, “What is the moon?” First transmission: 10/05/2004 Last transmission: 25/06/2004 Number of episodes: 30 Length: 00.13.00 Channel:  Canal 33 European, African, Asian, South American and Arab children between 5 and 12 years old answer the same questions and illustrate their responses with images, drawings and photography. In this episode the children talk about the words: patient, doctor and hospital. Original language summary: Infants europeus, africans, asiàtics i àrabs d'entre 5 i 12 anys responen tots a les mateixes preguntes referents a un concepte concret alhora que il·lustren la seva explicació recorrent a la imatge, al dibuix o a la fotografia. Cada programa està dedicat a una paraula i els infants escollits són de Catalunya, el Marroc, l'Índia, Xile i Uganda. Alguns viuen en una zona rural i d'altres a una ciutat. S'ha tingut molt en compte l'espontaneïtat en les definicions donades pels nens i se'ls ha donat absoluta llibertat per fer les fotografies, les gravacions i els dibuixos. Amb el resultat tan variat de les respostes podem adonar-nos de la gran diversitat i riquesa de cultures que conformen el món on vivim. El títol del programa és una resposta d'un infant a la pregunta: què és la lluna? "El sol de la nit". En aquest capítol parlen de les paraules: malalt, metge i hospital.
health medical staff


Anna Barreda, Josep M. San Agustín, Lala Gomà, Montserrat Rovira

Place Discussed
Morocco Uganda
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