cover image: A whole world: The keys to Yussif


A whole world: The keys to Yussif


The d’ en Yussif Alhassan is a history of overcoming He arrived in Barcelona eleven years ago after a long journey from Ghana that forced him to cross the desert of Morocco and to travel on a paddock. When he arrived here, he found himself in a completely unknown place and language and the only way out he found was to settle in the barracks of St. Andrew, a place that occupied hundreds of people, most immigrants. The barracks were demolished in 2004, and some organisations such as the Red Cross or Youth by a United World offered them help. Among other things, they promoted Spanish and Catalan courses, and that’s how Yussif learnt both languages. With this kens acquired, could make a course of soldador and of bit at little has gone finding works that have permitted him rent a flat near of the ancient barracks. Her experience has made her become involved in a total of four associations, amongst which there are\ - ‘We live\’ - working for the integration of immigrants.
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