cover image: Learn to speak 360 interesting proverbs and know your true brother


Learn to speak 360 interesting proverbs and know your true brother

1 Jan 1962

Providing almost one proverb for every day of the year, C. N. Eze offers several intriguing messages about wisdom, justice and morality. In the first 19 chapters of this pamphlet Eze discusses how "brotherhood" has both lagged and manifested itself, (pg.2). He cleverly ties the meanings of some proverbs to the act of knowing your true brother. For example, Eze reminds readers of "a proverb of first class reality" -- "Appearances are often deceptive," (pg. 3). Thus, "know your true brother," as the title suggests. In addition, he draws on social justice themes in proverbs such as, "All neighbours are cousins to the rich man but the poor man's brother does not know him," (pg.39). And bear in mind: "Good advice is poor food to a hungry family," (pg.39).
onitsha market literature


C. N. Eze

Published in
Onitsha, Nigeria
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