
A wage is the distribution from an employer of a security (expected return or profits derived solely from others) paid to an employee. Like interest is paid out to an investor on his investments, a wage is paid as earnings to the employee on his invested assets (time, money, labor, resources, and thought). Some examples of wage distributions include compensatory payments such as minimum wage, prevailing wage, and yearly bonuses, and remunerative payments such as prizes and tip payouts. Wages are part of the expenses that are involved in running a business, and add value to the employee in honor …



Laws.Africa · 12 August 2022 English

................. 843 134—The Regulation of Wages (Agricultural Industry) (Amendment) Order, 2022

Laws.Africa · 5 August 2022 English

infrastructure repair, lost service revenue, lost wages, increased commuter costs and forgone revenue suffered work. This often results in docked or reduced wages for them, reduced hours and work productivity, and

Laws.Africa · 2 August 2022 English

customer’s employer to deduct from the salary or wages of the customer regular monthly amounts as may be

Laws.Africa · 29 July 2022 English

person’s employer to deduct from the salary or wages of that debtor- (i) any outstanding amounts due

Laws.Africa · 22 July 2022 English

.............. 829 125—The Regulation of Wages (General) (Amendment) Order, 2022 ...........

Laws.Africa · 24 May 2022 English

consultation with the National Salaries, Incomes and Wages Commission, determine. 41.—(1) The Authority shall (b) deducts the contribution from the employee’s wages and withholds the contribution or refuses or neglects apprenticeship and who is responsible for the payment of the wages or salaries of the employee including the lawful

Laws.Africa · 10 May 2022 English

Small firms generally cannot afford to pay the wages that larger firms pay and thus struggle to recruit

Laws.Africa · 14 April 2022 English

industry, inclusive of 454 861 direct employees, wages of R135.9 billion and contributed R360.9 Billion

Laws.Africa · 18 March 2022 English

amount or percentage to be deducted from salary or wages for the earnings period; and iv. the amount or

Laws.Africa · 17 March 2022 English

2 “Employee”: means a person who, in return for wages, or commission, enters into a contract of employment given to the responsibility of the job when paying wages in excess of the minimum rate. 3.4 Skilled Worker Provided that there shall be no difference in the wages of open pit workers working on the surface or in Gazette 219 3.2 Provided that always salaries and wages shall be reviewed on an annual basis. 4. DISPUTES: months. 6. WAGES SALARIES AND ALLOWANCES: 6.1 The Parties agree that the minimum basic rate of wages paid to

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