
Violence is the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage, or destroy. Other definitions are also used, such as the World Health Organization's definition of violence as "the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation."Internationally, violence resulted in deaths of an estimated 1.28 million people in 2013 up from 1.13 million in 1990. Of the deaths in 2013, roughly 842,000 were attributed to self-harm (suicide), …



Boydell & Brewer · 1 April 2023

religion are rarely discrete: when governments behave like gods through demonstrations of arbitrary violence, the remaking of moral and spiritual worlds can provide radical ways to contest the brutality of peace-making and conflict in an increasingly militarized South Sudan. The book traces patterns of violence in peace-making back to colonial and mercantile activities in the late 19th century, but focuses South Sudanese authorities, particularly religious authorities, have contested the legitimacy of violence and peace by drawing on divinely inspired notions of authority and norms of conduct. Drawing on

Laws.Africa · 3 November 2022 French

la lutte contre la fraude, la corruption, la violence et autres pratiques répréhensibles en milieu de la lutte contre la fraude, la corruption,la violence et autres pratiques répréhensibles en milieu la lutte contre la fraude, la corruption, la violence et autres pratiques répréhen- sibles en milieu d’éradication de la fraude, la corruption, la violence et autres pratiques répréhensibles en milieu contre toute sorte de fraude, de corruption, de violence et autres pratiques répréhensibles en milieu

Laws.Africa · 28 October 2022 English

to propaganda for war, incitement of imminent violence, advocacy of hatred that is based on an identifiable pornography, propaganda for war, incitement of imminent violence or advocating hatred based on an identifiable of propaganda for war, incitement of imminent violence or advocating hatred based on an identifiable

Laws.Africa · 23 October 2022 Arabic

d’accueil pour les jeunes filles et femmes victimes de violence et en situation de détresse de Bousmail...... d’accueil pour jeunes filles et femmes victimes de violence et en situation de détresse de Mostaganem.... d’accueil pour jeunes filles et femmes victimes de violence et en situation de détresse de Annaba........

Laws.Africa · 30 September 2022 English

Information Act, 2000: National Council on Gender based Violence and Femicide bill, 2022 .................... EXPLANATORY NOTE NATIONAL COUNCIL ON GENDER BASED VIOLENCE AND FEMICIDE BILL, 2022 The Minister of Women introducing the National Council on Gender Based Violence Bill, 2022, in parliament in terms of section leadership on the elimination of gender based violence and femicide in South Africa. This envisaged be called a National Council on Gender Based Violence and Femicide; and is intended to facilitate a

Laws.Africa · 29 September 2022 French

1609 y compris les risques de violence basée sur le genre, de violence à l’égard des enfants et d’exploitation visant à prévenir et à répondre à la VBG, à la violence à l’égard des enfants et à l’exploitation et d’action VBG » désigne le plan d’action contre la violence basée sur le genre du projet, un instrument adopté acceptables pour l’Association. 58. « VBG » désigne la violence basée sur le genre. 1612 Journal officiel de la

Laws.Africa · 8 September 2022 Arabic

exécutive de prévention et de lutte contre la violence dans les infrastructures sportives ». Art. 2.

Laws.Africa · 2 September 2022 English

propaganda for war or is an incitement to imminent violence; (b) advocate hatred based on an identifiable sexual or domestic violence; (g) depict explicit presentation of extreme violence; or (h) contain FILMS AND PHOTOGRAPHS DEPICTING SEXUAL VIOLENCE AND VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN 31. Complaints by any films and photographs depicting sexual violence and violence against children. – (1) A complaint regarding films and photographs depicting sexual violence and violence against children in terms of section 18G

Laws.Africa · 12 August 2022 English


Laws.Africa · 5 August 2022 English

REVIEW OF LAWS ON SEXUAL OFFENCES AND GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE IN KENYA APPOINTMENT PURSUANT to the provisions Policies relating to Sexual Offences and Gender-Based Violence. Committee Membership Representative Institution Commission Wairimu Munyinyi Wahome Coalition on Violence Against Women Isabella Mwangi Center for Rights (SOA) and other laws on sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV); (b) Review of the Sexual Offences Act (SOA) and other laws on sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV); (c) Review and oversee the implementation

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