
The Tuareg people (; also spelt Twareg or Touareg; endonym: Imuhaɣ/Imušaɣ/Imašeɣăn/Imajeɣăn) are a large Berber ethnic confederation. They principally inhabit the Sahara in a vast area stretching from far southwestern Libya to southern Algeria, Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso. Traditionally nomadic pastoralists, small groups of Tuareg are also found in northern Nigeria.The Tuareg speak languages of the same name (also known as Tamasheq), which belong to the Berber branch of the Afroasiatic family.The Tuaregs have been called the "blue people" for the indigo dye coloured clothes they traditionally wear and which stains their skin. A semi-nomadic Muslim people, they are …



MINISDEF: Ministry of Defence · 2017 Spanish

Incluye cronología de cada conflicto Incluye referencias bibliográficas Sumario: Análisis geopolítico de los conflictos abiertos más importantes en 2017, con el fin de proporcionar una visión de la evolución de …

excesivo retraso— consiguió sellar con los rebeldes tuaregs, en junio de 2015, un complejo y ambicioso acuerdo lejano. Palabras clave Mali, conflicto, rebeldes tuaregs, grupos yihadistas, Acuerdo de Paz, MINUS- MA, revuelta rebelde y violenta liderada por los tuaregs, el golpe de Estado del capitán Sanogo contra el en enero de 2012. Por entonces, los re- beldes tuaregs se unieron en el Movimiento Nacional de Liberación arsenales de Libia —saqueados por los milicianos tuaregs y por los salafistas violentos tras la caída del

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 French

Les armées malienne et étrangères ont repoussé les rebelles, rendant leur liberté aux populations. Mais les faiblesses du système demeurent. The Malian and foreign armies pushed the rebels away, giving …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Portuguese

Amount will go to the military and humanitarian needs of the country where French and national military counteract Islamic fundamentalist rebels Help should have come before, says outgoing president of …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Portuguese

Comunidade Económica de Estados da África Ocidental (CEDEAO) pede apoio de países ocidentais e da ONU ao Mali. Berlim anuncia ajuda humanitária a refugiados e envio de profissionais para treinamento …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Portuguese

Acting President of the Economic Community of West African States, Alassane Ouattara, does not seem satisfied after a visit to Germany, from whom he expected more in military intervention against …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Portuguese

EU mission should support African military intervention against rebels occupying the north of the country. Europeans will not participate in direct fighting, but will train Malian soldiers and give financial …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Portuguese

Secretário-geral das Nações Unidas, Ban Ki-moon, deverá apresentar na segunda-feira (26.11) relatório sobre a missão militar prevista para o Mali. CEDEAO espera luz verde para avançar para intervenção no norte …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Amharic

ሰሜን ማሊ ኪዳል ከተማ ውስጥ የማሊ መንግሥት ወታደሮች ከቱዋሬግ አማፂያን ጋር ከባድ ውጊያ ማካሄዳቸው ተነገረ። በመንግሥትና በቱዋሬግ መካከል ድርድር ለማካሄድ የሚቻል አይመስልም ተብሏል።

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Portuguese

Novo capítulo na crise do Mali com demissão do governo de Modibo Diarra (foto). São Tomé e Príncipe tem um novo primeiro-ministro: Gabriel Costa. Diálogo entre RENAMO e FRELIMO continua …

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 Portuguese

Tropas da França e do Mali controlam totalmente a cidade histórica de Tombuktu, onde grupos fundamentalistas islâmicos queimaram manuscritos antigos. Tropas malianas teriam executado sumariamente tuaregues e árabes. Troops from …

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