
A tax is a compulsory financial charge or some other type of levy imposed on a taxpayer (an individual or legal entity) by a governmental organization in order to fund government spending and various public expenditures. A failure to pay, along with evasion of or resistance to taxation, is punishable by law. Taxes consist of direct or indirect taxes and may be paid in money or as its labour equivalent. The first known taxation took place in Ancient Egypt around 3000–2800 BC. Most countries have a tax system in place to pay for public, common, or agreed national needs and …



Laws.Africa · 11 November 2022 English

and | GOVERNANCE AND community authorities. Taxation | TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS and tax-related matters

Laws.Africa · 11 November 2022 English

Registration certificate 2... 2... ...0040. . Taxation— (a) noticeoftaxation .............4. (b) transfer Consent of sale Local court appeal. Taxation ; Request for typed aidenaehy, per page . Certificate by Registrar 2. 2. 2. en 3,00 16. Taxation (a) noticeoftaxation. ..............4. 2,00 1... ee 10,00 4. Application for review of taxation. ........2.. 10,00 5. Application forleave toappeal

Laws.Africa · 6 October 2022 English

Gazette 6 October 2022 7922 SCHEDULE EXCISE TAXATION PROPOSALS Tariff Item Tariff subheading Article sticks 104.37.17 2404.19.90 Other N$929.33/kg TAXATION PROPOSALS ________________

Laws.Africa · 30 September 2022 English

of the Income Tax Act exempts the Bank from any taxation imposed by law in respect of income or profits

Laws.Africa · 15 September 2022 French

gestion, l’état des équipements, le système de taxation, le manque d’hygiène et de sécurité et le rôle

Laws.Africa · 4 August 2022 Arabic

cadre des dispositions du présent article, une taxation forfaitaire au taux de 25% de la valeur de la marchandises dont la valeur dépasse le seuil de la taxation forfaitaire doivent faire l’objet d’un régime Les start-up sont dispensées du paiement de la taxation forfaitaire dans ce cadre ». Art. 23. — Les dispositions cadre des dispositions du présent article, une taxation forfaitaire au taux de 30% de la valeur de la suivants du code des douanes. Sont exemptés de la taxation forfaitaire prévue par le présent article, les

Laws.Africa · 29 July 2022 English

518 573 17 663 713 (2 479 279) Taxation 228 202 146 093 1,2% Surplus/(Deficit) after taxation 8 703 069 8 761 568 2 478 830

Laws.Africa · 17 July 2022 Arabic

et de taxes, au lieu de l’imposition et de la taxation ; 2) en matière de travaux publics, au lieu de

Laws.Africa · 14 July 2022 English

books of accounts to the body responsible for taxation ; register with the tax administration and file

Laws.Africa · 11 July 2022 English

macroeconomics, microeconomics, the financial sector, taxation and regulatory reform. Provide or coordinate

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