Tax Exemption

Tax exemption is the reduction or removal of a liability to make a compulsory payment that would otherwise be imposed by a ruling power upon persons, property, income, or transactions. Tax-exempt status may provide complete relief from taxes, reduced rates, or tax on only a portion of items. Examples include exemption of charitable organizations from property taxes and income taxes, veterans, and certain cross-border or multi-jurisdictional scenarios. Tax exemption generally refers to a statutory exception to a general rule rather than the mere absence of taxation in particular circumstances, otherwise known as an exclusion. Tax exemption also refers to removal …



Laws.Africa · 19 October 2022 English

organisations are systematically excluded from tax exemption benefits due to complicated nature of the tax

Laws.Africa · 14 July 2022 English

tax returns even in cases of entitlement to tax exemption; permit the Board or its employee or agents

Laws.Africa · 13 July 2022 English

financial year in which relief is sought. A tax exemption certificate issued by the South African Revenue

Laws.Africa · 24 June 2022 English

Notice No. 461 of 2022) Order under The Income Tax (Exemption) (Capital Gains and Gains or Losses From Realization No. 462 of 2022) Order under The Income Tax (Exemption) (Capital Gains and Gains or Losses From Realization

Laws.Africa · 10 May 2022 English

organisations are systematically excluded from tax exemption benefits due to complicated nature of the tax

Laws.Africa · 8 April 2022 English

2021 101/2021 31/12/2021 106/2021 Business Tax (Exemption of Tax to Farming Partnerships and Farming the Minister of Finance. 107/2021 Business Tax (Exemption of Tax to Individual Fishers and Individual 31/12/2021 This S.I. repeals the Business Tax (Exemption of Tax to Individual Farmers and Fishermen)

Laws.Africa · 1 April 2022 English

2022) Order under The Income Tax (Withholding Tax Exemption) (Design And Construction Of Passenger Termina Notice No. 179 of 2022) Order under The Income Tax (Exemption) (Corporate Tax) (Design And Construction Of Notice No. 180 of 2022) Order under The Income Tax (Exemption) (Expatriates Employees) (Design And Construction

Laws.Africa · 4 March 2022 English

Notice No. 116 of 2022). Order under The Income Tax (Exemption) (Expatriates Employees) (Extension of The No. 117 of 2022). Order under The Income Tax (Exemption) (Expatriates Special resolution ......... Notice No. 118 of 2022). Order under The Income Tax (Exemption) (Expatriates Employees) (Extension of The Notice No. 119 of 2022). Order under The Income Tax (Exemption) (Corporate Tax) (Extension of The Lake Victoria Notice No. 120 of 2022). Order under The Income Tax (Exemption) (Corporate Tax) (Extension of The Lake Victoria

Laws.Africa · 11 February 2022 English

number of the Gazette:- Order under The Income Tax (Exemption of Expatriate Employees From Income Tax) (Consultancy Notice No. 71 of 2022). Order under The Income Tax (Exemption From Corporate Tax) (Consultancy Services for Notice No. 72 of 2022). Order under The Income Tax (Exemption From Corporate Tax ) (Consultancy Services Notice No. 73 of 2022) Order under The Income Tax (Exemption from Corporate Tax) (Consultancy Services for Notice No. 74 of 2022) Order under The Income Tax (Exemption from Corporate Tax) (Consultancy Services For

Laws.Africa · 31 December 2021 English

2021. (S.I. 105 of 2021) 16.00 Business Tax (Exemption of Tax to Farming Partnerships and Farming Order, 2021. (S.I. 106 of 2021) 8.00 Business Tax (Exemption of Tax to Individual Fishers and Individual of 2021 BUSINESS TAX ACT (Cap 20) Business Tax (Exemption of Tax to Farming Partnerships and Farming of 2021 BUSINESS TAX ACT (Cap 20) Business Tax (Exemption of Tax to Farming Partnerships and Farming 1. This Order may be cited as the Business Tax (Exemption of Tax to Farming Partnerships and Farming

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