Social Problems

Social Problems is the official publication of the Society for the Study of Social Problems. Social Problems are universal in nature, but their intensity and type change from society to society. Social problems are socially relative. It is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal published by Oxford University Press since 2015 and formerly published by University of California Press. It was established in 1953. Some of the areas covered by the journal include: conflict, social action, and change; crime and juvenile delinquency; drinking and drugs; health, health policy, and health services; mental health; poverty, class, and inequality; racial and ethnic minorities; sexual …



Laws.Africa · 6 June 2022 English

is so critical for addressing the pervasive social problems of the country. To enhance the capacity of so critical for addressing the pervasive social problems of the country. To enhance the capacity of

Laws.Africa · 22 January 2021 English

particularly where these disturbances produce major social problems, or difficulties which could bring about serious

Laws.Africa · 5 May 2020 English

Epilepsy Asthma TB Psycho-social problems ** If yes and symptomatic, or any vital

Laws.Africa · 21 February 2020 English

providing a weekly nutritious meal. - To identify social problems amongst the vulnerable groups in the community

Natal Society Foundation · 1 January 2020 English

The journalist Mary Elizabeth Martens (1870–1939), who had grown up in the Colony of Natal under Responsible Government, published two novels in 1911 and 1915: A Woman of Small Account …

her John divorces her. The mission stations Social problems associated with the Christianising of the local

Laws.Africa · 1 November 2019 English

seekers into the area resulting in various social problems such as competition with local residents for

TV3: Televisió de Catalunya · 14 February 2019 Catalan

al carrer per manifestar-se DP reunió de dones, servint el te i pastes Report focused on the social problems of women living in Morocco. Original language summary: Reportatge centrat en la problemàtica

Free Women Films · 2019 English

This documentary centers on the miners struggle for living wages and better working conditions.

{"index": 1038, "content": "it led to many social problems which in turn informed", "startTime": "00:81:53

Laws.Africa · 10 July 2018 English

welfare context; (b) human behaviour and social problems; (c) legislation and judicial system; (d)

Laws.Africa · 21 July 2017 English

afforded. c. Social Problems - Should an employee experience social problems either at home

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