Political Power

In social science and politics, power is the capacity of an individual to influence the actions, beliefs, or conduct (behaviour) of others. The term authority is often used for power that is perceived as legitimate by the social structure, not to be confused with authoritarianism. Power can be seen as evil or unjust; however, power can also be seen as good and as something inherited or given for exercising humanistic objectives that will help, move, and empower others as well. In general, it is derived by the factors of interdependence between two entities and the environment. The use of power …



2022 English

that comes from the royal city of Ife in western Nigeria, a center of economic, religious, and political power between 1100 and 1400. Ancient Yoruba artists made heads in bronze and terracotta that were part

Laws.Africa · 10 September 2021 English

stamp out violence and sexual abuse. To gain political power and form a Government in order to achieve the

Natal Society Foundation · 1 January 2020 English

This history of one of the earliest nineteenth-century mission stations in Natal traces the transformation in the lives of a community that settled first at Indaleni near Richmond and later …

access even if it did not provide them with political power. missionaries provided some security to those

The Journal of Sierra Leone Studies · 10 November 2017 English

In the nineteenth century, Freetown, the principal city of the Colony of Sierra Leone, was a cosmopolitan centre which attracted African, European, and American merchants who sought to trade in …

ondon News exaggerated the extent of the  political power conferred upon Isaacs, the article reflect

Laws.Africa · 12 January 2017 English

sustainable biophysical basis. Furthermore, political power, policy and decisions are recognised as a fourth

DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 January 2016 English

Summary of research proposal by Ineke van Kessel of the Department of Political and Historical Studies, African Studies Centre in Leiden. This research concentrates on the United Democratic Front and …

The African majority remained excluded from political power at a national level . Initiatives for the political G . Rosherg, eds ., The apartheid regime ; political power and racial domination . Berkeley : University

DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 January 2016 English

An article stating the approach to the municipal elections which was determined by the state of the organisation, the mood of the masses and the strengths and weaknesses of the …

National Council . But the people want full political power . It tries to promote spurious leaders and to find . Firstly, these structures have no political power and no matter how hard the participants may

DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 January 2016 English

A booklet about the release of Govan Mbeki. On the 5th November at the age of 77 Mbeki walked free after 23 years on Robben Island.

a mechanism to protect the economic and political power of the white minority . These two fundamentally

DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 January 2016 English

This article discusses the United Democratic Front and township revolt in South Africa

predicated on the notion that the transfer of political power to the representatives of the majority is a the need to re-constitute the structure of political power as a pre- condition for resolving the crisis

DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 January 2016 English

United Democratic National Executive Committtee statement on Durban treason trial.

minority racist regiii)e used its monopoly o f political power to arm itself with sweeping racial and security

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