Least Developed Countries

The least developed countries (LDCs) is a list of developing countries that, according to the United Nations, exhibit the lowest indicators of socioeconomic development, with the lowest Human Development Index ratings of all countries in the world. The concept of LDCs originated in the late 1960s and the first group of LDCs was listed by the UN in its resolution 2768 (XXVI) of 18 November 1971.A country is classified among the Least Developed Countries if it meets three criteria: Poverty – adjustable criterion based on GNI per capita averaged over three years. As of 2018 a country must have GNI …



Laws.Africa · 8 September 2022 English

International Telecommunications Union LDCs - least developed countries MOU - Memorandum of Understanding the Internet versus only 19 per cent in least developed countries (LDCs), as well as by households where

Laws.Africa · 27 December 2021 Portuguese

disabilities live in developing and least-developed countries, Recognizing that, despite the differences

Laws.Africa · 22 January 2021 English

special circumstances and needs of the Least Developed Countries (“LDCs”) of SACU and Mozambique through

Laws.Africa · 31 December 2020 English

benefiting from the special arrangement for least developed countries and duty-free quota-free access to the

Laws.Africa · 7 February 2020 English

needs and special situations of the least developed countries in their actions with regard to funding Article 4, paragraph 3. Parties that ar least developed countries may make their initial communication a

Laws.Africa · 15 February 2017 English

special circumstances and needs of the Least Developed Countries (“LDCs”) of the SADC EPA States through

Laws.Africa · 11 November 2016 English

Preferences (GSP) granted to developing and least developed countries by the Russian Federation, the Republic Originating and Imported from Developing and Least Developed Countries to the Import of Which Tariff Preferences System; (B) the List of the Least Developed Countries Beneficiaries of the Customs Union Tariff Originating and Imported from Developing and Least Developed Countries to the Import of Which Tariff Preferences Origin of Goods from Developing and Least Developed Countries dated 12 December 2008 came into force

Laws.Africa · 12 October 2016 English

benefiting from the special arrangement for least developed countries and duty-free quota-free access to the

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 English

stations are a vital form of support and information. Mozambique is one of the world's least developed countries, and it faces huge challenges in spreading awareness about issues like HIV, malaria and

DW: Deutsche Welle · 2 June 2015 English

Mozambique is one of the world's least developed countries, and it faces huge obstacles when it comes to disseminating information about HIV and malaria. Some community radio stations have taken it upon

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