
A journalist is a person who collects, writes, photographs, processes, edits or comments on news or other topical information to the public. A journalist's work is called journalism.



AAI: The Africa-America Institute · 28 September 2023 English

Heads of State, diplomats, government officials, business and civil society leaders, scholars, journalists, and other leading figures for an unforgettable evening at Cipriani’s 42nd in New York City. Hosted

business and civil society leaders, scholars, journalists, and other leading figures for an unforgettable

Laws.Africa · 8 April 2022 English

may agree; (d) build the capacity of local journalists and media workers to hold such debates; and

Laws.Africa · 7 April 2022 English

Act—Notice ... 782-786 NOTICE, __ The Press and Journalists Act Notices 787-789 The Trademarks Act--Registration particulars for the accreditation of foreign Journalists: 1. interpretation unless the context otherwise Mectia: and = TF e Accreditation of Foreign Journalists. All foreign joumalists shall: fili out in Applications received under (4) above (foreign journalists) shall take seven (7) daws to process. Appheants MEDIA COUNCIL by section 3 of the Press and Journalists Act Cap 105 of the Laws of Uganda. the COLINCIL

Laws.Africa · 25 March 2022 English

Committee—Member; and (m) Mike Okinyi- Sports Journalists Association of Kenya— Member. 4. The Central

Laws.Africa · 18 February 2022 English

Mwanga, Chief Media Liaison Offi cer, Sports Journalists Association of Kenya—Member; (z) Praxedis Barasa;

Laws.Africa · 3 December 2021 English

Separately, the Media Council of Kenya trained 120 journalists to report on UHC where 134 stories were published stations. In addition, the Council trained 320 journalists to cover news stories on COVID-19 and published

Laws.Africa · 1 April 2021 English

Information (ATI) Law to enable the public and journalists to access information/data possessed by public

Laws.Africa · 1 April 2021 English

Information (ATI) Law to enable the public and journalists to access information/data possessed by public

Laws.Africa · 30 March 2021 English

Cabinet member responsible for health: (b) only journalists. radio, television crew. security personnel.

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