
The Comoros, officially the Union of the Comoros, is an independent country made up of three islands in southeastern Africa, located at the northern end of the Mozambique Channel in the Indian Ocean. Its capital and largest city is Moroni. Separated from the mainland by the Mozambique Channel, Comoros has Tanzania to the northwest, Mozambique to the west, and the Seychelles to the northeast.



LC: Library of Congress English

The Africana Historic Postcard Collection has significant value for researchers and students working on sub-Saharan Africa’s colonial life and cultural history in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In addition …

East Africa The Comoros Country: THE COMOROS Title: MOHELI – DEBARQUEMENT A FOMBONI Photographer: Place of Publication: Paris Date: Country: THE COMOROS Title: GRANDE-COMORE – UNE RUE DE MORONI Photographer: Place of Publication: Paris Date: Country: THE COMOROS Title: GRANDE-COMORE – VUE GENERALE DE MORONI Place of Publication: Paris Date: Country: THE COMOROS Title: MUTSAMUDU – CAPITALE D’ANJOUAN Photographer: Place of Publication: Paris Date: Country: THE COMOROS Title: GRANDE-COMORE – LE KARTALA EN ERUPTION

LC: Library of Congress

The Africana Historic Postcard Collection has significant value for researchers and students working on sub-Saharan Africa’s colonial life and cultural history in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In addition …

BNE: Biblioteca Nacional de España · 1774 English

Debajo del título nota explicativa Orientado con media lis en cuadrante de orientación.- Indica sondas batimétricas, veriles, fondeaderos y bajos El lugar de publicación es el habitual de trabajo del …

BNE: Biblioteca Nacional de España · 1794 English

Notas explicativas repartidas por el mapa Están indicadas algunas derrotas con el nombre del barco, el del capitán y la fecha Inserta: 1. "A Chart of the Comoro Islands".- Escala …

LC: Library of Congress English

The Africana Historic Postcard Collection has significant value for researchers and students working on sub-Saharan Africa’s colonial life and cultural history in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In addition …

French Islands - Mayotte, Reunion Country: THE COMOROS Title: MAYOTTE – FETE DU 14 JUILLET Photographer: Place of Publication: Paris Date: Country: THE COMOROS Title: MAYOTTE – FETE DU 14 JUILLET A DZAOUDZI Place of Publication: Paris Date: Country: THE COMOROS Title: MAYOTTE – PIROGUE INDIGENE Photographer: Place of Publication: Paris Date: Country: THE COMOROS Title: MAYOTTE – ALLEE DE COCOTIERS Photographer: Place of Publication: Paris Date: Country: THE COMOROS Title: MAYOTTE – FECONDATION DE LA VANILLE Photographer:

The Weekly Review Ltd. · 17 May 1976 English

controversial political issues such as Djibouti, the Comoros or southern Africa. French President Valery Giscard attend the Paris summit) the question of the Comoros was reportedly discussed in bilateral talks with in Paris when he said that the problem of the Comoros was one of international law. Said Senghor, “I the French government was wrong to divide the Comoros.” Senghor was referring to the move by the island of Mayotte to break away from the rest of the Comoros, a move which was recently ratified by a French-administered

The Weekly Review Ltd. · 21 July 1975 English

given lime The Weekly Review July 21, 1975 15 COMOROS A room in the house IF France is to escape charges colonialism and wanting to retain a hold on the Comoros by keeping the fourth Island of Mayotte, then Anguillan rebellion several years ago, and since the Comoros have already found an eloquent spokesman in the to be held later this month, and to which the Comoros have said they will send a delegation, France see the matter more from the viewpoint of the Comoros than of the Mayotte Islanders. And observers point

LC: Library of Congress English

The Africana Historic Postcard Collection has significant value for researchers and students working on sub-Saharan Africa’s colonial life and cultural history in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In addition …

Madagascar (PDF, 41 MB) • Somalia (PDF, 57 MB) • The Comoros (PDF, 12 MB) • Tanzania (PDF, 4 MB) • Uganda

The Weekly Review Ltd. · 28 July 1975 English

Henry Kissinger recently put it. Comoros and border issues THE Comoros who appealed to the OAU for help solidarity and supfkirt was also sent to the Comoros and a protest was delivered to the French government France continued the attempt to “dismember” the Comoros. In fact, by last week, the Ministerial meeting of aggression and of sending warships to the Comoros and landing troops there. The heads of state

The Weekly Review Ltd. · 25 March 1983 English

Airmen Six personnel land in Comoros in stolen plane THE Republic of Comoros has jailed six Tanzanian Air fuel, crash- landed at Moroni airport at 8.15 Comoros time. They immediately asked for political asylum asylum. News of the flight was broken on Comoros Radio and was later confirmed by Radio Tanzania. Barely Barely 24 hours after their arrival in the Comoros capital the six runaway airmen were clamped into

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