Black Sash

The Black Sash is a South African human rights organisation. It was founded in Johannesburg in 1955 as a non-violent resistance organisation for liberal white women. The Black Sash was founded on 19 May 1955 by six middle-class white women, Jean Sinclair, Ruth Foley, Elizabeth McLaren, Tertia Pybus, Jean Bosazza and Helen Newton-Thompson.



DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 April 1957 English

Report of the Information and Propaganda Sub-committee of the General Executive of the Black Sash for the year May 1956 to April 1957, discussing: Multi-racial Government, demonstrations, propaganda, publishing

956 to APRIL 1957. Tho f}llowinc mombors of tho Black Sash havo sorvad on this Sub-CJmmitteo du..'ing the plan roceived frr more support fhJm most of the Black Sash. there was littlo moro' tJ...o,t co,'ld be donn found impossible to obtll1n lengths of film of Black Sash ootivitios from local or overseas film companiest Africa. Tho Black Sash Itaras by itl Principlos. Who aro ~he Black Sast! Tho Black Sash Stan1s for Unity the Sub-Conmittoe which eJrPlains thia, "The Black Sash should always benr in mind the differont purposos

DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 March 1987 English

Detentions in Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage during the second National State of Emergency: Paper Presented at National Conference on 13 March 1987 discussing case statistics, State of Emergency, detentions, forced …

University of the Witwatersrand English

Sheena Duncan, South African anti-Apartheid activist founder of the Black Sash in the Johannesburg office.

University of the Witwatersrand English

Diplomats, Helen Suzman, Peter Seal, and Black Sash members at Mamelodi Funeral for 13 people killed by police while protesting rent increases.

University of the Witwatersrand English

Black Sash protest, with Beyers Naude, calling to "stop all removals".

University of the Witwatersrand English

A Black Sash and End Conscription Campaign (ECC) delegation presented flowers to commemorate the anniversary of the Soweto uprisings, at a church service held in New Brighton, Port Elizabeth.

University of the Witwatersrand English

Mogopa Press Conference with Black Sash members meeting with Mogopa people regarding their forced removal.

University of the Witwatersrand English

Black Sash picket in Cape Town on Soweto Day, 16 June 89, about the education struggle continuing.

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