
The Arabs (singular Arab ; singular Arabic: عَرَبِيٌّ‎, ISO 233: ‘arabī, Arabic pronunciation: [ˈʕarabi], plural Arabic: عَرَبٌ‎, ISO 233: ‘arab, Arabic pronunciation: [ˈʕarab] (listen)) are an ethnic group mainly inhabiting the Arab world. They are descended from nomadic pastoralists who travelled around the Arabian Peninsula and Syrian Desert regions, and who organised themselves in tribal social structures.More recently, the term has come to refer to those who originate from an Arab country, whose native language is Arabic. This term can encompass all Arabic-speaking peoples living from the Atlantic Coast of Mauritania, to the Ahwaz region of Iran, including the Arab …



Laws.Africa · 5 August 2021 English

18192. Miss Araba Bo Biney~Assan, a.k.a. Miss Arabs Biney-Assan, a Banker of Sinapi Aba Trust and of

Barcelona Music Museum · 16 December 2019 English

pell. Decoracions: a base de pintura policroma amb motius animals, vegetals, sanefes i caràcters àrabs. Forma: de copa, amb boques obertes. Generador de so: 1 membrana. Fixació de la membrana: lligada

BL: British Library · 18 June 2019 English

part of Sudan.The singer describes how the black people (Southerners) suffered at the hands of the 'Arabs' (Northerners). We were in trouble everywhere, he sings; the forests and rivers became filled with

BL: British Library · 18 June 2019 English

They are strong men. They are going to fight Arabs. What they are doing now will be used as proverbs for future generations. They are not like before; now they have guns to fight with. Information about

BL: British Library · 18 June 2019 English

singer cautions members ('brothers') of the SPLA not to spy on each other, or reveal them to the 'Arabs' (Sudanese in the north). In addition, he reminds the people that singers are like lawyers; they can

BL: British Library · 18 June 2019 English

chief to deliver a letter to the chief of the Arabs. In the letter, the chief requested to kill his father, because his father disliked the dominance of the Arabs. But the spirit power of Cyierdit (his father's father's father) protected him. On the way to the Arabs, he stayed with Deng Kuol, the chief of the Ngok Dinka. Deng Kuol found the letter, and gave it to someone who knew how to read, and this person explained

BL: British Library · 18 June 2019 English

Ayak and Wol. Wol my father-in-law was captured by Arabs for three days. He was tortured by them. Our ancestor spirit helped Wol to be released by the Arabs. We suffered much at their hands. We lost many souls

BL: British Library · 18 June 2019 English

the past, when they were in conflict with neighbouring group. But now they have only one enemy: the Arabs/northerners. He says, it is always one person who starts the song, and then the group answers him

BL: British Library · 18 June 2019 English

about Dr. John Garang and Koryom, a battalion of the SPLA. The women start the song by singing 'The Arabs said we are afraid, how can we be afraid while John Garang is strong?' Dr. Garang, the son of Mabior Upper Nile (province of the South) cannot be left to donkey eaters (insulting reference to northern 'Arabs'). We have struggled hard for our land. The border between North and South has been defined. The Koryom

BL: British Library · 18 June 2019 English

as follows: Wol my father-in-law was captured by Arabs for three days. He was tortured by them. Our ancestor spirit helped Wol to be released by the Arabs. We suffered much at their hands. We lost many souls

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