Highlights from Ghana

User icon Elizabeth Robey
10 November 2022
10 items

Highlights from Ghana include several documents from the famous Accra Conference of 1958 which occurred a year after Ghana gained Independence from Britain under the presidency of Kwame Nkrumah.

DW: Deutsche Welle · 19 January 2015 English

In many places in Africa, people with mental illnesses are excluded from society. Tens of thousands of people suffering from dementia, schizophrenia or depression are ostracized by their families. They're …

Kwame Nkruhma Information and Resource Site · 30 May 1961 English

A speech by Dr. Kwame Nkrumah to the National Assembly of Ghana discussing first steps in the fight for freedom.

DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 December 1959 English

'Liberation' and the progressives. 1960: Year of destiny. ANC Secretary Duma Nokwe analyses fifty years of the Union of South Africa: Ex unitate vires. Africa's economic path : a review …

DISA: Digital Innovation South Africa · 1 April 1964 English

Editorial notes. Ghana's changing economy. Central Africa after federation. Book reviews. What our readers write. Fascist terror in South Africa: United Nations document

21 items

The authoritative site on the life and times of Kwame Nkrumah, foremost proponent of Pan-Africanism in the latter half of the 20th century.

MSU: Michigan State University · 1987

This paper looks at the role Family Planning communication plays in promoting the general welfare of women, in accordance with the spirit of the Women's Lib movement. It is based …

1,137 items

Ghana Gazettes. The largest digital collection of free African Gazettes. Gazettes.Africa is a project of Laws.Africa and AfricanLII. Laws.Africa is a non-profit organization registered with the South African Department of …