Colonial Africa: Postcard Collection, 1880-1980

Colonial Africa: Postcard Collection, 1880-1980

Stanford University

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Dates Covered
Locations Discussed
West Africa
North Africa
Southern Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa
Usually French photographers of French Africa. Three different accessions purchased from same dealer, although previous provenance is mixed. Some cards are written on, some not. Accession 1995-244 is in box 1, and consists of one album and 26 folders totaling some 500 cards. The photographers listed as added entries can all be found in this accession. Accession 2000-238 is in box 2 (Senegal, some 197 loose cards in folders) and in box 3 (album of ca. 300 cards of French West Africa, French Equatorial Africa, North Africa, Madagasca, Aden, Somali Coast, Union of South Africa, Zanaibar, etc.). Accession 2000-276 is also in box 3 and consists of an album of ca. 300 cards that are largely sub-Saharan Africa, mostly from former French colonies and the Belgian Congo, but also some from North Africa, Union of South Africa, and a scattering of other British-controlled territories. Approximately 90% of these were issued before 1940
1.5 linear ft.