Selections from the Harold E. Scheub Collection

Selections from the Harold E. Scheub Collection

University of Wisconsin–Madison

Dr. Harold Scheub was the Evjue-Bascom Professor of Humanities in the Department of African Languages and Literature and one of the world's leading scholars in African oral traditions and folklore. To record oral traditions he walked more than 6000 miles through South Africa, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, and Lesotho. Dr. Scheub published more than two dozen books and more than 70 articles.

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Cape Town : District Six
People of South Africa
Xhosa Transkei storytellers
Uganda : Masindi Senior Secondary School
Southern African storyteller : a Xhosa storyteller
Southern African storyteller : Nohatyula Miyeki, a Xhosa storyteller
South Africa : scenery
Uganda : Macbeth in Masindi
People of South Africa
South Africa : scenery
South Africa : scenery
Nongenile Masithathu Zenani, performing
South Africa : scenery
Southern African storyteller : Sikhwelesine, a Zulu storyteller
People of South Africa
Nongenile Masithathu Zenani, performing
Nongenile Masithathu Zenani, performing
People of South Africa : mother and child
People of South Africa