Onitsha Market Literature

Onitsha Market Literature

University of Kansas

The general public is invited to consult KU’s digital collection of Onitsha materials, and it is hoped that scholars will find materials to enhance their teaching and research. The recurring subject of love and marriage in the market literature enlivens course activities that deal with these themes and related popular culture issues. Historians, literary critics, anthropologists, sociologists, geographers, political scientists and psychologists--among others--will find benefits from the digital collection.

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KU: University of Kansas · 1 January 1965

This serious political tract catalogues and analyzes many types of bribery and corruption. The author states that he has compiled a "compendious and imaginative headline under which he puts down …

KU: University of Kansas · 1 January 1964

This pamphlet is another how-to guide described as a "New Grammar Book" in the preface. The author, Wilfred Onwuka, is also listed as a "compositor, poet,novelist and dramatist." He is …

KU: University of Kansas · 1 January 1964

This cleverly-titled work from Sunday O. Olisah, also known as "the Strong Man of the Pen," is described as "a psychological pamphlet" that examines the connections surrounding poverty, unhappiness, success …

KU: University of Kansas · 1 January 1964

This long pamphlet is described as "a novel on the dangers of illegal injections and self-medications," (pg.70). Neither an advice guide nor how-to pamphlet, this fictional account joins others by …

KU: University of Kansas · 1 June 1963

With this pamphlet, the prolific pamphleteer Sunday O. Olisah, known as the Strong Man of the Pen, attempts to fill a gap in information about Igbo customs. The author describes …

KU: University of Kansas · 1 January 1963

This is a how-to pamphlet where "you will learn the styles and ways to write "letters that are "very interesting and reasonable, and the English very educative," (pg.4). Abiakam advises …

KU: University of Kansas · 1 January 1963

This guide offers general advice for unmarried men and women as well as married couples in eighteen short chapters. The forward notes that the theme of the pamphlet is "look …

KU: University of Kansas · 1 January 1962

Although this is one of only a few pamphlets written by a woman, this edition of 'A Woman's Pride is Her Husband' probably from 1962, was "revised and enlarged" by …

KU: University of Kansas · 1 January 1962

This quirky yet refreshing play by Felix Stephen (a.k.a. Nathan Njoku) does not spell out a clear moral or seek to be prescriptive, unlike many of the Onitsha plays. In …

KU: University of Kansas · 1 January 1962

Providing almost one proverb for every day of the year, C. N. Eze offers several intriguing messages about wisdom, justice and morality. In the first 19 chapters of this pamphlet …