Digital Library - Selected African Holdings

Digital Library - Selected African Holdings

University of Southern California

Selected items with African Origination

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A missionary dwelling at the Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, ca.1900-1909
Catholic mission at Wombali, Congo, ca.1920-1940
House at Livingstonia Institiution, Malawi, ca. 1895-1905
A group of people standing between dwellings, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
People walking in a village, South Africa, ca.1920-1940
Hut of a male nurse, Manjacaze, Mozambique, ca. 1933-1939
Coffee party in the deaconesses' living room, Mangarano, Madagascar, ca.1918
Missionary house, Kyimbila, Tanzania
House of the assistant Ambokile near Rutenganio, Tanzania, ca.1929-1930
First residential building, Rutenganio, Tanzania
Residential building, Mbozi, Tanzania, ca.1929-1930
People outside a house, Bsnkim, Adamaoua, Cameroon, 1953-1968
Buildings, Elim, Limpopo, South Africa, ca. 1901-1907
Mission house, Manjacaze, Mozambique, ca. 1933-1939
Mrs Henderson, Lake Malawi, Malawi, ca.1903
Threshing of wheat and sewing of clothes, Mbozi, Tanzania
Residential buildings and sheds, Mbozi, Tanzania
Mission house, Lemana, Limpopo, South Africa, ca. 1906-1907
Missionaries Oskar and Mathilde Gemuseus, Rungwe, Tanzania, ca.1929-1930
House and garden of the head of the church assembly, Rungwe, Tanzania, ca. 1909-1916