Digital Library - Selected African Holdings

Digital Library - Selected African Holdings

University of Southern California

Selected items with African Origination

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Kort over Mellemøsten 1992. Det danske Missionsselskab (DMS) var i mange år engageret i Mellemøsten. I 1989 blev de første missionærer sendt til Cairo. I 1992 var DMS engageret i mange forskellige projekter i samarbejde med forskellige kirker: den ortodokse, den evangeliske og den anglikanske. Fælles for projekterne var, at de henvendte sig til de svageste grupper i det egyptiske samfund Map of the Middle East 1992. The Danish Missionary Society (DMS) was for many years engaged in
Missionens historie på Madagaskar. Kort over Madagaskar lavet af førstemanden på missionsskibet Elieser. De mørke felter viser de områder, som var ikke-kristne. I 1873 besluttede missionsselskabets generalforsamling, at arbejdet skulle begyndes på Vest-Madagaskar. Lysbilledserie nr. 392, 21 The mission's history in Madagascar. Map of Madagascar made by ??the first man on a mission shi
Meeting of the members of the Church of Maputo, Machava, Mozambique, November 1945
Meeting of the members of the Church of Maputo, Machava, Mozambique, November 1945
Meeting of the members of the Church of Maputo, Machava, Mozambique, November 1945
African people standing in front of the chapel, Chamanculo, Maputo, Mozambique, 1944
Swiss missionaries standing in front of a car, Maputo, Mozambique, 1943
Inauguration of the clinic in Chamanculo, Maputo, Mozambique, 21 April 1940
Inauguration of the clinic in Chamanculo, Maputo, Mozambique, 21 April 1940
Women and babies at the maternity ward, Chamanculo, Maputo, Mozambique, 1940
Miss Golaz with babies of the maternity ward, Chamanculo, Maputo, Mozambique, 1940
Women and babies at the maternity ward, Chamanculo, Maputo, Mozambique, 1940
Medical personnel in front of a clinic of the Swiss Mission, Maputo, Mozambique, 1940
Miss Golaz with babies of the maternity ward, Chamanculo, Maputo, Mozambique, 1940
WPA Land use survey map for the City of Los Angeles, book 10 (Shoestring Addition to San Pedro District), sheet 13
WPA Land use survey map for the City of Los Angeles, book 10 (Shoestring Addition to San Pedro District), sheet 10
WPA Land use survey map for the City of Los Angeles, book 10 (Shoestring Addition to San Pedro District), sheet 11
Outdoor worship service, Chamanculo, Maputo, Mozambique, July 1937
Outdoor worship service, Chamanculo, Maputo, Mozambique, July 1937
Jubilee, Maputo, Mozambique, 5 July 1937