Photographs and Prints Division - Selected African Holdings

Photographs and Prints Division - Selected African Holdings

New York Public Library

Selected items with African Origination

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New York Public Library · 1808

Kurt Fisher Haitian history photograph collection. Folder "Portraits - Boyer, Dessalines, Pétion, and Toussaint L'Ouverture."

New York Public Library · 1800

Location: 16A; Accession: pr.x.117

New York Public Library · 1800

Location: 16A; Accession: pr.x.125

New York Public Library · 1800

Location: 16A; Accession: pr.x.127

New York Public Library · 1800

Location: 13A; Accession: pre.x.281

New York Public Library · 1800

Location: 1 Accession: pre.x.315