Photographs and Prints Division - Selected African Holdings

Photographs and Prints Division - Selected African Holdings

New York Public Library

Selected items with African Origination

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New York Public Library · 1970

No accession number, date, or photo credit.

New York Public Library · 1963

Delegation of petitioners, consisting, from left to right, of Julian Mayfield, Alphaeus Hunton, Alice Windom, W.A. Jeanpierre and Maya Angelou Make, representing demonstrators outside the United States Embassy in Accra, …

New York Public Library · 1961

Prime Minister Julius K. Nyerere, of Tanganyika. United Nations, N.Y., 11 July 1961. Prime Minister Julius Kambarage Nyerere, of Tanganyika, photographed as he replied to one of the questions put …

New York Public Library · 1939

Caption on back: "A company of Negro WAACS was reviewed by the Hon. Lester A. Walton, U.S. Minister to Liberia, recently on a visit to an American camp near Monrovia. …