Library - Selected African Holdings

Library - Selected African Holdings

Michigan State University

Selected items with African Origination

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MSU: Michigan State University · 1980

Review of Chris Pretorius's short film "Angsst"

MSU: Michigan State University · 1979

Carter discusses Soviet dissidents, SALT, Jim Fellows, wage/price guidelines, oil decontrol, windfall profits tax, housing starts, Israel, and Rhodesia.

MSU: Michigan State University · 1978

Cyrus Vance, returning from the aborted Cairo peace conference, says that he is optimistic that Israel and Egypt can reopen the search for peace and that the United States will …

MSU: Michigan State University · 1978

Carter talks about the selection of federal judges and defends the replacement of U.S. attorney David Marston in Philadelphia; he says he would like to have an agreement with Russia …