Library - Selected African Holdings

Library - Selected African Holdings

Michigan State University

Selected items with African Origination

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MSU: Michigan State University · 1988

Against the backdrop of the familiar yet peculiar African political scene, where, from country to country, military dictatorships struggle (without real success), at wearing smiling faces; or where democracies strap …

MSU: Michigan State University · 1988

This paper discusses some aspects of the relationship between urbanisation and capitalism in the developing world, particularly Sub-Saharan Africa. This is followed by a general overview of urbanisation in Africa …

MSU: Michigan State University · 1988

This article hypothesizes that the extent of democratization of the mass media in any society is a function of two factors: accessibility to information and the patterns of media ownership …

MSU: Michigan State University · 1988

This study assesses the extent to which national Nigerian newspapers (5 of them government-owned and 4 privately-owned) are covering a government programme, Mass Mobilization for Self-Reliance, Social Justice and Economic …

MSU: Michigan State University · 1988

This study aimed to examine beliefs about .and attitudes to disability and rehabilitation amongst rural people on a Red Cross Community Based Rehabilitation programme in Gutu District, Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe. …

MSU: Michigan State University · 1988

This analysis looks at Kenya's communication policies from: (a) The extent to which communication as an issue has achieved status on Kenya's institutional agenda. (b) The nature of communication structures. …

MSU: Michigan State University · 1988

In Africa the typical social consequence of drought is an accordion effect in which wealth and income shrink drastically. The poor suffer most severely as their mortality rate rises. Their …

MSU: Michigan State University · 1988

An effective participation for grassroots development would only be realised where the grassroots have the freedom to make their own decisions and set their own development priorities, draw their own …

MSU: Michigan State University · 1987

This paper takes the Ghanaian situation as a case in point to demonstrate that in Sub Saharan Africa the imbalances in communication systems observed at the international level also exist …

MSU: Michigan State University · 1987

This paper discusses the development of modern mass media as a necessary attribute of the evolution of an integral Nigerian nation out of the many traditional ethnic communities. It shows …