Library - Selected African Holdings

Library - Selected African Holdings

Michigan State University

Selected items with African Origination

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MSU: Michigan State University · 2011

President Barack H. Obama and Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard speak to the press in the Oval Office following a bilateral meeting. Obama remarks on the nation's close friendship with …

MSU: Michigan State University · 2011

President Barack H. Obama announces that he has authorized the United States military to commence a limited military action, approved by the United Nations, as part of an effort to …

MSU: Michigan State University · 2011

President Barack H. Obama describes events in Libya which led to a UN Security Council resolution approving a no-fly zone in Libya to prevent Muammar Qaddafi from attacking Libyan citizens. …

MSU: Michigan State University · 2011

President Barack Obama details the rationale for American involvement in Libya supporting the UN Security Council resolution authorizing force to protect civilians from the Qaddafi regime. Obama promises that no …

MSU: Michigan State University · 2011

President Barck H. Obama and French President Nicolas Sarkozy speak to the media from the Oval Office following a bilateral meeting. President Obama mentions the shooting tragedy in Arizona and …

MSU: Michigan State University · 2011

A vacationing President Barack Obama delivers a statement to the press on the situation in Libya. Obama recaps recent events in the country, describes NATO and U.S. involvement, and declares …

MSU: Michigan State University · 2011

President Barack H. Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper hold a joint press conference in the South Court Auditorium within the Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office Building. Obama talks …

MSU: Michigan State University · 2011

President Barack H. Obama speaks out on the protests in Egypt, which began on January 25th. Obama urges the Egyptian government to show restraint and address the legitimate grievances of …

MSU: Michigan State University · 2011

President Barack Obama remarks on the death of former Libyan head of state Muammar Gaddafi. Saying that, "the dark shadow of tyranny has been lifted", Obama praises the successful Libyan …

MSU: Michigan State University · 2011

President Barack H. Obama speaks on the situation in Egypt. He praises the professionalism and patriotism of the Egyptian military as it protects Egyptian citizens during a time of transition. …