Selected African Holdings

Selected African Holdings

Televisió de Catalunya

Items selected from the online resources at Televisió de Catalunya with African origination.

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TV3: Televisió de Catalunya · 2014

First step towards reaching a ceasefire in the South Sudanese conflict. In the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, peace talks have begun with rebels and government representatives. On the ground, however, …

TV3: Televisió de Catalunya · 2014

In the Sudan, have condemned at death a wife for having converted at the Christianity. She is 27 years old, a child’s mother a year and a half and is …

TV3: Televisió de Catalunya · 2014

The song\ ‘Cuando todo se enlaira\’ by Txarango has become the anthem of Caparan, a town in southern Senegal. They began to feel it thanks to Quim Fabregas, a Calelco …

TV3: Televisió de Catalunya · 2014

Monographic programme dedicated to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and to the Augustinian religious Angélique Namaika, awarded the UNHCR Nansen Prize for her work in favour of refugees.

TV3: Televisió de Catalunya · 2014

Ebola has already caused 7.518 deaths worldwide, according to WHO. The virus is still spreading intensively in Sierra Leone, especially in the north of the country, where five days of …

TV3: Televisió de Catalunya · 2014

The Ebola epidemic, which has already made more than 1.500 deaths in West Africa, has reached a fifth country: Senegal. So far, it is a single case, but highlights the …

TV3: Televisió de Catalunya · 2014

At least 70 dead, all in a row trying to cross the Red Sea between Eritrea and Yemen. They were Ethiopian emigrants.

TV3: Televisió de Catalunya · 2014

Chapter 778:\ ‘Do not ever give up\’ The Alassane N’ doye arrived from Senegal with his profession as an electrician and knowing how to play the guitar. When he arrived …

TV3: Televisió de Catalunya · 2014

Five years ago, in Mamadou Saliou, a young Senegalese man, he arrived without papers in Barcelona. Things weren’ t as he expected, wealth dreams stumbled upon reality. As a result …

TV3: Televisió de Catalunya · 2014

\ ‘Broken Dreams\’ is a documentary that contains life storeys of people from Senegal who have come to Europe with a dream to work, achieve a better future and help …