Selected African Holdings

Selected African Holdings


Items selected from the online resources at Medelhavsmuseet with African origination.

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Medelhavsmuseet · 6 November 2015 Swedish

Frövifors pappersbruksmuseum Menas bottle. Grey-yellow clay. Stamps on both sides, portraying the holy Menas with arms out-stretched. @eng NM Ant 1820 Mouth broken, missing.@eng Egypt@eng 1989.0001

Medelhavsmuseet · 6 November 2015 Swedish

Piece of cement from the pyramid of Cheops. Note says: "Cement from spaces between the blocks of the great pyramid of Cheops. IV dyn 3300 B.C."@eng S.N. E 0212 Egypt@eng

Medelhavsmuseet · 6 November 2015 Swedish

Diener 1967 Mumier i röntgenljus i Medicinhistorisk Årsbok 1967: 40-47.@eng Identified and published by Vivi Täckholm Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 1940, Bd 32 H. 2.@eng Faraos blomster : en kulturhistorisk-botanisk skildring …

Medelhavsmuseet · 6 November 2015 Swedish

Frövifors pappersbruksmuseum Från R. G. Gayer-Andersons samling. Small make-up jar with pearshaped body and outturned rim. Grey residue inside.@eng MM 10724 From the R.G. Gayer-Anderson collection@eng G-A, sec. V: 70@eng …

Medelhavsmuseet · 6 November 2015 Swedish

Piece of cement from the pyramid of Cheops. Note says: "Cement from spaces between the blocks of the great pyramid of Cheops. IV dyn 3300 B.C."@eng S.N. E 0213 Egypt@eng

Medelhavsmuseet · 6 November 2015 Swedish

4e årtusendet f Kr, Fördynastisk tid [slutet av] Frövifors pappersbruksmuseum Vessel belonging to the Negade II culture and the wavy handled style. Netdecoration in black paint.@eng MM 18874 H. 25.4 …

Medelhavsmuseet · 6 November 2015 Swedish

Mummy coffin lid for a female without name.@eng NME 893a Dep. from NM to the Victoria museum in Uppsala in the 1920´s.@eng The coffin NME 893 = VM 152 was …

Medelhavsmuseet · 6 November 2015 Swedish

Piece of cement from the pyramid of Cheops. Note says: "Cement from spaces between the blocks of the great pyramid of Cheops. IV dyn 3300 B.C."@eng S.N. E 0211 Egypt@eng

Medelhavsmuseet · 30 April 2015 Swedish

Tunisisk arab, Arabe tunisien Tunisien Gammalt nr 103 UN76

Medelhavsmuseet · 30 April 2015 Swedish

Le Bois Sacré Algeriet Gammalt nr. 305 UN98